
Friday 26 April 2019

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Performance Anxiety, Propranolol, Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Autism

Performance anxiety symptoms may include:
·       Racing pulse and rapid breathing.

·       Dry mouth and tight throat.

·       Trembling hands, lips, and voice.

·       Sweaty and cold hands.

·       Nausea 

·       Vision changes.

Today’s post started out to be all about Propranolol, a very old and widely prescribed drug that lowers your blood pressure, but does other interesting things as well. It is used to treat several psychiatric disorders and has been widely trialled in autism. As I started researching I decided to broaden the post to bring in Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which one reader of this blog suggested as a useful measure of the effect of supplements.   HRV is actually a good indicator of a dysfunction in the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). 

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is a control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary response and urination.
Within the brain, the autonomic nervous system is regulated by the hypothalamus. Autonomic functions include control of respiration, cardiac regulation, vasomotor activity (actions upon a blood vessel which alter its diameter) and certain reflex actions such as coughing, sneezing, swallowing and vomiting.
Dysfunctions in the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) are known to be a common feature of autism.  Propranolol is known to affect the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and has been shown in numerous trials and case studies to improve some cases of autism.
Performance anxiety is a well-known off-label use of Propranolol.
Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) is known to affect the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and is sometimes used to treat performance anxiety.

Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) using an implanted device can have profound benefits in severe epilepsy. Less invasive VNS can be achieved transcutaneously and in particular via a branch of the vagus nerve that extends to your ear.
The vagus nerve has many roles including sending inflammatory signalling from the gut to the brain. We saw how this was proved, at least in mice, by severing the vagus nerve. Stimulating the vagus nerve can have significant anti-inflammatory effects, which is why it is being developed to treat a wide range of conditions ranging from arthritis to COPD (severe asthma).

We also saw in a post last year that drinking sodium/potassium bicarbonate has an effect that is very similar to VNS, in that it tamps down your immune system in a very similar way.

The Propranalol Autism Research
Fortunately, in 2018 a review of all Propranolol-related autism research was published. I found this out after having started to trawl through the old research.  The issue of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) as potential marker for propranolol responders that I focused in on, was also picked up in the review paper.

We can start with review paper, which happens to be from England, which still has not fully recovered from the Wakefield saga.  There is a real stigma about treating autism, better call it encephalopathy and treat that!

To date, there is no single medication prescribed to alleviate all the core symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD; National Institute of Health and Care Excellence, 2016). Both serotonin reuptake inhibitors and drugs for psychosis possess therapeutic drawbacks when managing anxiety and aggression in ASD. This review sought to appraise the use of propranolol as a pharmacological alternative when managing emotional, behavioural and autonomic dysregulation (EBAD) and other symptoms.
This review indicates that propranolol holds promise for EBAD and cognitive performance in ASD. Given the lack of good quality clinical trials, randomised controlled trials are warranted to explore the efficacy of propranolol in managing EBAD in ASD.

From the 16 articles identified, propranolol dosages ranged from 7.5 mg to 360 mg per day across a range of patients. All studies had a range of outcome measures for those diagnosed with ASD, including a focus on cognitive enhancement, management of social behaviours, EBAD, SIBs, and aggression.

Summary of evidence

Across multiple domains, propranolol had significant benefits in the treatment of adults and children diagnosed with ASD. Propranolol improved cognitive performance, with individuals with ASD demonstrating an improvement in verbal problem solving (Beversdorf et al., 2008; Zamzow et al., 2017), semantic processing (Beversdorf et al., 2011) and working memory (Bodner et al., 2012). No changes in cognitive performance for individuals without ASD were reported (Beversdorf et al., 2008, 2011). Additionally, propranolol exhibited greater functional connectivity in individuals with ASD (Hegarty et al., 2017; Narayanan et al., 2010). Not only does this provide evidence for the ability of propranolol to improve functional connectivity in those with ASD, but also that central and peripheral blockade is more effective than just peripheral blockade as seen by nadolol (Hegarty et al., 2017). It is important to note that a non-significant difference for functional connectivity between placebo and propranolol conditions can be attributed to other hemodynamic factors, such as differences in blood pressure, confounding the effects on blood-oxygen-level-dependent responses during fMRI sessions (Narayanan et al., 2010). Moreover, propranolol decreased functional connectivity in various subnetworks where high baseline functional connectivity was observed. Conversely, for those with low baseline functional connectivity, functional connectivity in these subnetworks increased after the introduction of propranolol, irrespective of diagnostic group (Hegarty et al., 2017). These differences suggest that propranolol, and other beta-adrenergic antagonists may have a greater role in maintaining appropriate patterns of functional connectivity, allowing for more efficient integration of functional networks (Hegarty et al., 2017). These findings also highlight the potential for propranolol to support cognitive processing. Indeed, by modulating noradrenaline, greater associative processing and integration of subnetworks may be achieved. Subsequently, potential improvements in attention-shifting, sensory processing, language communication, and the processing of social information could be observed in those with ASD (Hegarty et al., 2017). Furthermore, propranolol reduced mouth fixation, improving facial scanning at a global level (Zamzow et al., 2014). Although, non-significant findings were reported when investigating the efficacy of single-dose propranolol treatment for eye contact, this may be attributable to the sample used. The majority of subjects fulfilling diagnostic criteria for ASD were high functioning, suggesting that scores for eye contact may have already been at a ceiling prior to the administration of propranolol. Therefore, none or only marginal improvements would be attained from post administration of propranolol leading to non-significant results when compared with controls. Moreover, non-verbal communication improvements (Zamzow et al., 2016) and reductions in hypersexual behaviours (Agrawal, 2014) were also observed. These improvements were reported in studies using a 40 mg dose of propranolol, with just one study utilising a low dose of 20 mg (Agrawal, 2014). However, it may be noteworthy to consider that for this case, the hypersexual behaviours did not decrease while the patient was alone, but the patient was able to manage behaviours more appropriately in the presence of others. This may indicate an improved ability to understand and interpret social contexts, rather than a reduction in hypersexual behaviours. Indeed, social cues and social situations are a challenge for those with ASD, and these findings highlight potential clinical implications for propranolol. In light of this, both studies by Sagar-Ouriaghli et al. (2017) and Santosh et al. (2017) highlight again that on average, a 40 mg dose is suitable for children and adolescents in managing symptoms associated with ASD and EBAD. Furthermore, Santosh et al. (2017) and Zamzow et al. (2017) provide supporting evidence for the use of wearable technologies in measuring biomarkers such as HRV and skin conductance in order to identify treatment responders and monitoring the impact of propranolol on therapeutic outcomes. Alongside these benefits, propranolol significantly helped manage SIBs and aggressive outbursts in those with ASD (Knabe and Bovier, 1992; Lyskowski et al., 2009; Ratey et al., 1987). Two cases reported no significant improvement when using propranolol (Connor, 1994; Luiselli et al., 2000). One case was required to change propranolol due to hypotension and bradycardia despite a decreasing trend in aggressive behaviours (Luiselli et al., 2000). Across these cases, dosing ranged from 7.5 mg–360 mg, indicating a higher dose may be required for SIBs and aggression, in comparison with cognitive performance (20 mg–40 mg). In summary, these results and a subsequent overview by Fleminger et al. (2006) conclude that β-blockers have the best evidence for the management of such symptoms and that propranolol improves impulse control and subsequent violence associated with brain dysfunction of diverse aetiologies.

You can read the original 16 studies referred to if you are seriously interested in Propranolol. I have just highlighted some I found interesting.  It is interesting that beneficial effects are reported across the spectrum from severe autism to Asperger’s. 

People with intellectual disability often exhibit various behavioral problems, which are referred to as “challenging behaviors.” Aggression is among the commonest of these, affecting about 7% of this population. The management of aggression in these patients involves both behavior therapy and medications. Various medications, such as lithium, anticonvulsants, and antipsychotics, have been used, but their evidence base is limited and recent research suggests that antipsychotics, in particular, should not be routinely used
Propranolol is a centrally acting β-adrenergic antagonist used in a variety of medical conditions. It has also been used to manage aggression in various neuropsychiatric conditions, including organic brain syndromes, schizophrenia, dementia, and intellectual disability. Doses used in these studies have been as high as 520 mg/d, but some authors have reported benefits at much lower doses. The following is the case of a young man with intellectual disability, epilepsy, and severe aggression who responded remarkably to low-dose propranolol.
Case report. Mr A, a 20-year-old man diagnosed as having moderate intellectual disability and generalized epilepsy, presented to our clinic with severe aggression, both verbal and physical, occurring with little or no provocation over the past 3 years. These episodes would last up to several hours and often led to food refusal. Before this, he could attend to his personal needs, helped his mother in household tasks, and could communicate in short sentences despite an articulation defect. However, after the onset of his aggression, it was difficult to engage him in any activities, including basic self-care. There was no evidence of a mood disorder or psychosis or of seizures either preceding or following the episodes of aggression. He was seizure-free for the past 4 years on carbamazepine 1,000 mg/d and diazepam 10 mg/d, and he had never exhibited postictal aggression in the past. He had already received trials of olanzapine (up to 15 mg/d for 6 weeks) and chlorpromazine (up to 400 mg/d for 3 months) without significant improvement and was currently on olanzapine 10 mg/d and chlorpromazine 300 mg/d in addition to his medications for epilepsy.

As his mother reported features of autonomic arousal—such as increased perspiration, motor agitation, and rapid breathing—during each episode, he was given a trial of propranolol, starting at 20 mg/d and increased by 20 mg every week. At 40 mg/d, there was a significant reduction in his aggression, and his food intake was better. On further increasing the dose to 60 mg/d, his mother reported that he was essentially “normal,” with no significant episodes of aggression. Over the next year, olanzapine and chlorpromazine were tapered and stopped, and he remained stable. He has been well on carbamazepine 1,000 mg/d, propranolol 60 mg/d, and diazepam 10 mg/d for the past 3 months with no recurrence of either seizures or aggression, and it is now possible to engage him in household tasks and speech therapy.
The management of aggression in the intellectually disabled is a clinical challenge. The best evidence suggests that antipsychotics are of limited use, and the evidence for other medications is even more limited. Behavioral management is valuable, but may not be feasible in a very violent or uncooperative patient, and pharmacotherapy may be required initially in such cases.
Propranolol is effective in reducing aggression in a variety of neurologic and psychiatric conditions. Its exact mechanism of action is unknown, but may involve central β-adrenergic blockade, peripheral effects on the sympathetic nervous system, or serotonergic blockade. It may be effective not only in aggression, but also in the self-injurious behavior commonly seen in the intellectually disabled. Recent evidence suggests that it may improve some aspects of learning in patients with autism. Given these properties, and the uncertainties surrounding other treatment options, low-dose propranolol may be a valuable treatment option in the management of aggression in intellectually disabled adults, even if they do not respond to other drugs.

Amelioration of Aggression and Echolalia With Propranolol in Autism Spectrum Disorder


Although the autonomic hyperactivity hypothesis of aggression in ASD partially explains the behavior of our patient, aggression likely stems from multiple sources beyond just peripheral autonomic arousal. The rapid improvement with propranolol at a fairly low dose suggests that a subpopulation of patients may benefit from non-selective beta blockers. As beta blockers have hemodynamic side effects that include hypotension and bradycardia, clinicians should record baseline vitals and monitor for orthostasis, dizziness, and syncope. Overall, beta blockers may serve as an important therapy for aggression but should not replace a multimodal interventional plan that encompasses pharmacology, psychotherapy, and social support. It will be beneficial to validate the utility of propranolol and other beta blockers for ASD in future randomized controlled trials.
·       Though autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is primarily a disorder of language and social functioning, there may also be significant autonomic dysfunction that could contribute to aggression and impulsivity often seen in the disorder.
·       Beta-adrenergic blocking agents have been shown to reduce aggression in patients with traumatic brain injury and adult-onset neuropsychiatric disorders, but evidence is still limited in patients with ASD.
·       The non-selective beta-blockers propranolol and nadolol may significantly alleviate aggression, echolalia, and vital sign derangements in autistic patients; it is unknown whether β1-selective antagonists would have similar effects.

Here we have the effect on high functioning autism:-


Autism is characterized by repetitive behaviors and impaired socialization and communication. Preliminary evidence showed possible language benefits in autism from the β-adrenergic antagonist propranolol. Earlier studies in other populations suggested propranolol might benefit performance on tasks involving a search of semantic and associative networks under certain conditions. Therefore, we wished to determine whether this benefit of propranolol includes an effect on semantic fluency in autism.


A sample of 14 high-functioning adolescent and adult participants with autism and 14 matched controls were given letter and category word fluency tasks on 2 separate testing sessions; 1 test was given 60 minutes after the administration of 40 mg propranolol orally, and 1 test was given after placebo, administered in a double-blinded, counterbalanced manner.


Participants with autism were significantly impaired compared with controls on both fluency tasks. Propranolol significantly improved performance on category fluency, but not letter fluency among autism participants. No drug effect was observed among controls. Expected drug effects on heart rate and blood pressure were observed in both the groups.


Results are consistent with a selective beneficial effect of propranolol on flexibility of access to semantic and associative networks in autism, with no observed effect on phonological networks. Further study will be necessary to understand potential clinical implications of this finding.

This paper is interesting because it looks at how you can identify people who are likely to respond to Propranolol:-

Autism spectrum disorders are a group of developmental disorders, which display significant heterogeneity of symptoms. Besides the core symptoms, various comorbidities are common for individuals with autism. A growing body of evidence suggests dysfunction of autonomic nervous system within the ASD population. The detection of autonomic abnormalities could help in more personalized approach, which takes into account individual etiologic differences. It has also been suggested that interventions focused on autonomic function could possibly be beneficial for treatment of aggression, anxiety, as well as the core symptoms of autism.
Detection of autonomic alterations in autism spectrum disorders

Invasive methods 
The measurement of circulating catecholamines belongs to most common methods of assessment of sympathetic nervous system function (SNS) (Zygmunt & Stanczyk 2010). Activity of the SNS can be assessed using the measurement of the plasma or urine concentration of norepinephrine, or its metabolites. Measurement of catecholamines provides useful information about the activity of SNS, however, they are determined by location of vessel used for blood collection and therefore do not reflect the whole amount of neurotransmitter secreted from axon terminal (Sinski et al 2006). Acetylcholine, neurotransmitter released by postganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic system, is very quickly inactivated by acetylcholinesterase, so its plasma levels cannot be used as a marker of parasympathetic nervous system activity (McCorry 2007). Interestingly, plasma norepinephrine concentrations have been reported to be elevated in autism (Launay et al 1987). However, blood and urine samples acquisition represent extremely stressful stimuli for children with autism spectrum disorders and thus pose a challenge for researchers in obtaining such samples from both ethical and methodological reasons. Therefore, various non-invasive methods of ANS activity detection have been developed. 
Non-invasive methods 
To assess autonomic nervous system activity, various non-invasive methods are used. For example, measurement of sympathetic skin response is used frequently (Claus & Schondorf 1999, Kucera et al 2004). This method is based on determination of the alterations in skin electrical resistance in response to activation of sweat glands which are stimulated by impulses conducted by cholinergic postganglionic sympathetic fibers. However, it is important to note, that in general, skin conductance level are not stable and therefore it is difficult to define baseline values and there are large intra- and inter-individual differences (Boucsein et al 2012). Another widely used method has become pupillometry, biomarker of LC-NE system. Several studies found both dysregulated tonic pupil responses to various stimuli (e.g. Anderson et al 2006, Martineau et al 2011) and greater skin conductance level (Prince et al 2016) in children with ASD. One of the most reliable methods for measurement of ANS activity, namely cardiac autonomic responses, has become heart rate variability (HRV). HRV refers to beat-to-beat variations of the heart rate that is determined by autonomic nervous system. In resting conditions, the variability of beat-to-beat intervals remains large and becomes more regular when influenced by stressful environmental factors (Task force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology 1996). Because of the fast degradation of acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase, the influence of parasympathetic activation is quick and thus accounts for fast changes in heart rate. Sympathetic influence changes more slowly, its effect is observable as a change in heart rate after longer period, and thus is responsible for slower oscillations. HRV has been found to be decreased in autism spectrum disorders in number of studies (Daluwatte et al 2013, Ming et al 2005). These data

Interventions affecting vagal activity for adjuvant treatment of children with ASD 

In the light of above mentioned findings, several new treatment options are now being explored. Vagus nerve stimulation, which involves surgical implantation of electrodes around cervical portion of the vagus nerve, was found to increase HRV. Study of Hull et al (2015) showed decreased severity and duration of seizures in children with refractory epilepsy and autism after stimulation of vagus nerve. Moreover, they found the improvement in ASD symptoms not related to epilepsy, such as communication skills, or stereotyped behavior. Furthermore, considerable improvement in regulation of aggressive behavior and receptive communication skills were noted and maintained over 1 year. The biggest drawback of vagus nerve stimulation method is cost and requirement of invasive neurosurgery. However, recent studies confirmed the possibility of noninvasive transcutaneous stimulation of the vagus nerve with electrodes located in the auricular concha area that is densely innervated by branches of the vagus nerve (Fang et al 2016). Electrical stimulation of the cervical vagus nerve with handheld device represent another non-invasive method (Schoenen et al 2016). In preterm infants or high-risk infants, kangaroo care or massage therapy may increase vagal tone and promote optimal neurodevelopment (Feldman & Eidelman 2003). Similar preliminary data were obtained on children with ASD, as well (Escalona et al 2001).

This new clinical trial looks very interesting because it includes looking at predictors for responders:-

The specific aim of this study is to examine the effects of serial doses of propranolol on social interaction, and secondarily on language tasks, anxiety, adaptive behaviors, and global function in high functioning adults and adolescents with autism in a double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. The investigators will also examine whether response to treatment can be predicted based upon markers of autonomic functioning, such as skin conductance, heart rate variability (HRV), and the pupillary light reflex (PLR), and whether anxiety can predict treatment response. The hypothesis is that social functioning and language abilities will benefit from serial doses of propranolol, and that those with the greatest degree of autonomic dysregulation, or the lowest functional connectivity, will demonstrate the greatest benefit from the drug.

Propanolol will be given on a titration schedule in which participants will begin with small doses (single capsules) of the drug and increase to a larger dosage (divided over 3 capsules) over the course of three weeks. Participants aged 15-24 years will undergo an MRI.

 Autonomic Dysfunction in Autism


Objective: To report a case series of clinically significant autonomic dysunction in ASD. 
Background:Autonomic nervous system (ANS) impairment has been increasingly recognized in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Abnormalities in pupillary light reflex, resting heart rate, heart rate response to social cognitive tasks, respiratory rhythm, and skin conductance suggest that autonomic dysfunction is common in ASD and may play a role in the social, behavioral, and communication problems that are the hallmark of this neurodevelopmental disorder. This case series confirms the presence of clinically significant multisystem ANS dysfunction in ASD. 
Methods: Patients with a history of ASD who underwent an evaluation for ANS dysfunction at our institution were identified. Clinical features, findings on autonomic testing, and laboratory results were reviewed.
Results: Six patients with ASD underwent clinical and autonomic evaluation, ranging in age from 12 to 28, and autonomic symptom duration ranging from 10 months to 6 years. All reported postural lightheadedness, near-syncope, and rapid heart rate. Five reported significant gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms including constipation, diarrhea, and early satiety. Autonomic testing revealed an excessive postural tachycardia with head-up tilt (HUT) in all patients, with a mean heart rate (HR) increment of 50 bpm, mean maximum HR on HUT of 118 bpm, absence of orthostatic hypotension on HUT. Abnormal blood pressure profile with the Valsalva maneuver was identified in three patients. All five patients were diagnosed with orthostatic intolerance. Supine norepinephrine (NE) was low in three of the four patients tested and an inadequate rise in standing NE was noted in two of these patients. GI motility testing was performed in two patients, and suggested gastroparesis in one patient.
Conclusions: Clinically significant ANS dysfunction may occur in ASD, with symptoms suggestive of orthostatic intolerance and gastrointestinal dysmotility, and findings on autonomic testing demonstrating an excessive postural tachycardia.

Functional autonomic nervous system profile in children with autism spectrum disorder


Autonomic dysregulation has been recently reported as a feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, the nature of autonomic atypicalities in ASD remain largely unknown. The goal of this study was to characterize the cardiac autonomic profile of children with ASD across four domains affected in ASD (anxiety, attention, response inhibition, and social cognition), and suggested to be affected by autonomic dysregulation.


We compared measures of autonomic cardiac regulation in typically developing children (n = 34) and those with ASD (n = 40) as the children performed tasks eliciting anxiety, attention, response inhibition, and social cognition. Heart rate was used to quantify overall autonomic arousal, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) was used as an index of vagal influences. Associations between atypical autonomic findings and intellectual functioning (Weschler scale), ASD symptomatology (Social Communication Questionnaire score), and co-morbid anxiety (Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale) were also investigated.


The ASD group had marginally elevated basal heart rate, and showed decreased heart rate reactivity to social anxiety and increased RSA reactivity to the social cognition task. In this group, heart rate reactivity to the social anxiety task was positively correlated with IQ and task performance, and negatively correlated with generalized anxiety. RSA reactivity in the social cognition task was positively correlated with IQ.


Our data suggest overall autonomic hyperarousal in ASD and selective atypical reactivity to social tasks.

The Vagus nerve as a means to affect the ANS 

Vagal Nerve Stimulation in Autonomic Dysfunction – A Case Study

Background: Autonomic nervous system function is influenced by the balance of the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems. Management for imbalance of these components causing dysfunction is largely focused on medications primarily improving cardiovascular tone. However, there appears to be an opportunity for therapy by modulating neurotransmission. Methods: Our patient is a nine year old female with history of intractable epilepsy and developmental delay related to confirmed genetic abnormalities and also complaints of episodic pallor, fatigue, light-headedness and headaches concerning for dysautonomia. Results: Our patient underwent vagal nerve stimulator (VNS) implantation for treatment of epilepsy and showed improvement of these symptoms at typical settings. Headup tilt test (HUTT) was subsequently performed and revealed normal findings and no subjective symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. A repeat HUTT was performed five months later with VNS output currents set to zero and revealed cardiovascular changes and clinical symptoms consistent with dysautonomia. With resumption of previous VNS settings, clinical symptoms resolved.

Conclusions: Neurotransmission from vagal afferents to brainstem nuclei is increased during VNS affecting multiple brainstem areas and the cerebral cortex, including regions controlling autonomic function. Studies have suggested a role for VNS in patients with clinical signs of autonomic dysfunction showing improvement in sympathovagal balance after VNS implantation. In our patient, we observed subjective and objective improvement in autonomic function. This initial case demonstrates a phenomenon that requires further study, may lead to improved understanding of autonomic function and the response to vagal nerve stimulation, and possibly a new indication for VNS therapy.

The autonomic nervous system, consisting of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, is a major contributor to the maintenance of cardiovascular variables within homeostatic limits. As we age or in certain pathological conditions, the balance between the two branches changes such that sympathetic activity is more dominant, and this change in dominance is negatively correlated with prognosis in conditions such as heart failure. We have shown that non-invasive stimulation of the tragus of the ear increases parasympathetic activity and reduces sympathetic activity and that the extent of this effect is correlated with the baseline cardiovascular parameters of different subjects. The effects could be attributable to activation of the afferent branch of the vagus and, potentially, other sensory nerves in that region. This indicates that tragus stimulation may be a viable treatment in disorders where autonomic activity to the heart is compromised.

The Vagus Nerve as a target to reduce inflammation
Regardless of its effects on the autonomic nervous system (ANS), we know from the research in earlier blog posts that vagus nerve stimulation can significantly reduce inflammation.  Here is an easy to read article as a reminder.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation Dramatically Reduces Inflammation

Stimulating the vagus nerve reduces inflammation and the symptoms of arthritis.

Healthy vagal tone is indicated by a slight increase of heart rate when you inhale, and a decrease of heart rate when you exhale. Deep diaphragmatic breathing—with a long, slow exhale—is key to stimulating the vagus nerve and slowing heart rate and blood pressure, especially in times of performance anxiety.
A higher vagal tone index is linked to physical and psychological well-being. Conversely, a low vagal tone index is associated with inflammation, depression, negative moods, loneliness, heart attacks, and stroke.

There are many ways put forward to  stimulate the vagus nerve simply without electrical devices. Here is one list I came across:-

1.     Slow deep breathing. An example would be to breathe in slowly for a count of 4 and out for a count 6 to 8. The average normal breathing rate is between 12 and 14 per minute. This slow breathing reduces it to 6 to 7 per minute.
2.     Any exposure to cold. eg rinse your hands and face in cold water.
3.     Singing, chanting, gargling and humming
4.     Laughter
5.     Restorative yoga postures such as the cat cow posture and downward dog
6.     Meditation.
7.     Evoking the emotions of love, compassion and empathy.
8.     Exercise
9.     Massage/acupuncture, acupressure
10. Intermittent fasting

I found re-reading this old post interesting

Drinking Baking Soda for Vagal Nerve Stimulation?

It prompted me to order some potassium bicarbonate.


I think when you read about what the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) does in your body you are likely to be able to judge whether or not it may be dysfunction. Hopefully the research will identify reliable markers, whether it is heart rate variability (HRV) or pupillary light reflex (PLR).
I do not think Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) dysfunction is a cause of autism, but it may be a consequence of it. Correcting any such dysfunction may have an impact ranging from trivial to profound.
I know that some readers of this blog have been using Propranolol for some time already. It has been very well researched, by the standards of autism. Being a cheap generic drug, there is little interest to spend $8 million in Europe to have it approved for autism, or the $20 million needed in the US. 
It should be noted that while Propranolol is a very widely used drug it does have side effects and interactions. Some other autism drugs used off-label do reduce blood pressure.
Propranolol is a competitive antagonist of beta-1-adrenergic receptors in the heart. It competes with sympathomimetic neurotransmitters for binding to receptors, which inhibits sympathetic stimulation of the heart. Blockage of neurotransmitter binding to beta 1 receptors on cardiac myocytes inhibits activation of adenylate cyclase, which in turn inhibits cAMP synthesis leading to reduced PKA production. This results in less calcium influx to cardiac myocytes through voltage gated L-type calcium channels meaning there is a decreased sympathetic effect on cardiac cells, resulting in antihypertensive effects including reduced heart rate and lower arterial blood pressure.

One side effect of Propranolol is low heart rate (bradycardia), but some people do have too high a heart rate.
Propranolol is a so-called negative inotropic agent, meaning it reduces the strength of contractions of heart muscle. This is why it reduces blood pressure.
Negative inotropic effects can be additive, which means not surprisingly if you take another negative inotropic agent, like an L-type calcium channel blocker, you have to be careful.
There are medical conditions for which the combined use of Propranolol and Verapamil has been suggested, but at the high doses often used this looks rather unwise.
There are interactions between Propranolol and many drugs; note that Verapamil will raise the serum level of propranolol.
The good news is that the dosage often effective in autism is quite low.

The adult dose for Migraine Prophylaxis is up to 240mg a day.  Some of the regular pediatric doses are also huge, compared to the “autism dosage” which can be 40mg of even less.
The initial paper we looked at in this post, from ultra-sceptical that autism can be treated England, concluded:

 “… randomised controlled trials are warranted to explore the efficacy of propranolol in managing EBAD (emotional, behavioural and autonomic dysregulation) in ASD”
Are severe headaches that occur in some autism another possible predictor of Propranolol responders?

Is stuttering another symptom to look out for?

Thursday 18 April 2019

Wnt, TCF4 and Pre-myelinating Oligodendrocytes

Cartoons in art class - Monty is getting ready for Easter break, but not in the Maldives

Today’s post may sound very complicated and narrow, but it is very relevant to people with the following: - 

·        Pitt Hopkins Syndrome (insufficient expression of the Transcription Factor #4  TCF4 gene)

·        Multiple Sclerosis

·        Some Mental Retardation/Intellectual Disability (MR/ID)

·        Schizophrenia

·        Impaired Wnt signalling

·        Perhaps PAK1 inhibitor responders

I do feel that Multiple Sclerosis could be treated very much better if some effort was made to translate the existing science, freely available to all, into therapy. You could greatly improve many people’s lives just by repurposing cheap existing drugs.
In simple terms, to produce myelin that you need to coat axons in your brain, you need a type of cell called an oligodendrocyte (OL).  You need a lot of these cells and you need them to get busy. They place tiny pieces of white insulation along axons of your brain cells, this produces the so called “white matter”.  These pieces of insulation are needed to make electrical signals flow correctly in your brain.
It has been shown that in some people the oligodendrocyte precursors (OLPs) do not “mature” and instead get stuck as premyelinated oligodendrocytes (pre-OL). That means reduced myelination and loss of white matter.

It is clearly shown in the graphic below: -

Tcf4 is expressed in oligodendrocyte lineage in human developmental white matter and in active areas of MS lesions. (A) Tcf4 is expressed in white matter tracts during myelination of human developmental brain at postnatal age 1 mo, 3.5 mo, and 16 mo, but is not expressed by 7 yr. Tcf4 colocalizes with Olig2 when expressed in the developing human corpus callosum. (B) Tcf4 protein expression is evident in active MS lesions, but it is not seen in normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) or in the core of chronic MS lesions. An illustrative MS case is shown with several lesion types present. NAWM stains with Luxol Fast Blue (LFB) and contains sparse LN3(HLA-DR)-positive inflammatory cells, organized SMI-31 axon fibers, and no Tcf4-positive cells. Chronic plaques have sparse LFB staining and LN3-positive cells, intact axons, but no Tcf4-positive cells. In contrast, Tcf4-positive cells are present in active areas of plaques with abundant LN3-positive cells and intact demyelinated axons. Tcf4 expression in active lesions colocalizes (open arrowheads) with a subset of Olig2 cells.

Don’t worry if you don't follow everything. There is nothing wrong with your white matter.
We come back to Wnt signalling that we covered in depth in older posts. This is a complex signalling pathway implicated in autism, some cancers and other conditions. You can both increase and reduce Wnt signalling, which will affect the transcription of numerous genes.
TCF4 is the Pitt Hopkins gene. We have across this syndrome several times, while it is rare, a milder miss-expression of the gene is actually quite common.  Reduced expression of TCF4 is a common feature of MR/ID very broadly. TCF4 has been found to be over-expressed in schizophrenia.
People with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) have been found to have oligodendrocytes “stuck” as non-myelinating (premyelinated oligodendrocytes, pre-OL). Inhibiting the Wnt pathway might play a role in treatment during periods of acute demyelination, when there is a lack of newly minted myelin-producing oligodendrocytes. The study below does refer to Wnt inhibitors in the pipeline as potential cancer therapies.  It looks to me that safe Wnt inhibitors like the cheap drugs widely used to treat children with parasites (Mebendazole/ Niclosamide) could be repurposed to treat the acute phase of multiple sclerosis.
Mebendazole/ Niclosamide are safe and dirt cheap, whereas the (slightly) disease changing MS drugs currently cost $50,000+ a year.

TCF4 links everything together
Wnt signalling needs to be active to block premyelinated oligodendrocytes into transforming into oligodendrocytes (OL). So by inhibiting Wnt signalling you may remove one of the problems in MS; you probably only need to do this during relapses of MS.  
There actually is a finally stage to getting the oligodendrocytes (OL) to myelinate many axons and not be lazy.
In the jargon “dysregulation of Wnt–β-catenin signaling in OLPs results in profound delay of both developmental myelination and remyelination”.
A miss-expression of TCF4 is clearly also going to affect myelination and its does in both Pitt Hopkins and MS.
One feature of Pitt Hopkins (caused by haploinsufficiency of the transcription factor 4) is indeed delayed myelination measured via MRI at the age of 1. By the age of 9 white matter (the myelin-coated part of your brain) appears normal. This fits with what I highlighted in red under figure 6 above.
Nothing is simple. Activating Wnt signalling is known to increase expression of TCF4.  

The progressive loss of CNS myelin in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) has been proposed to result from the combined effects of damage to oligodendrocytes and failure of remyelination. A common feature of demyelinated lesions is the presence of oligodendrocyte precursors (OLPs) blocked at a premyelinating stage. However, the mechanistic basis for inhibition of myelin repair is incompletely understood. To identify novel regulators of OLP differentiation, potentially dysregulated during repair, we performed a genome-wide screen of 1040 transcription factor-encoding genes expressed in remyelinating rodent lesions. We report that 50 transcription factor-encoding genes show dynamic expression during repair and that expression of the Wnt pathway mediator Tcf4 (aka Tcf7l2) within OLPs is specific to lesioned—but not normal—adult white matter. We report that β-catenin signaling is active during oligodendrocyte development and remyelination in vivo. Moreover, we observed similar regulation of Tcf4 in the developing human CNS and lesions of MS. Data mining revealed elevated levels of Wnt pathway mRNA transcripts and proteins within MS lesions, indicating activation of the pathway in this pathological context. We show that dysregulation of Wnt–β-catenin signaling in OLPs results in profound delay of both developmental myelination and remyelination, based on (1) conditional activation of β-catenin in the oligodendrocyte lineage in vivo and (2) findings from APCMin mice, which lack one functional copy of the endogenous Wnt pathway inhibitor APC. Together, our findings indicate that dysregulated Wnt–β-catenin signaling inhibits myelination/remyelination in the mammalian CNS. Evidence of Wnt pathway activity in human MS lesions suggests that its dysregulation might contribute to inefficient myelin repair in human neurological disorders 
Potential Tcf4-catenin activities in oligodendrocyte development
The pattern of Tcf4 protein expression, from P1 to P30 and during remyelination after injury, defines the window of potential canonical Wnt pathway functions. Within this context, we observed that Tcf4 expression marked 15%–20% of OLPs at any given stage assessed. These findings were consistent with two possibilities. First, Tcf4 expression could demarcate a subset of OLPs. Second, it was possible that Tcf4 expression transiently marks all (or the vast majority) of OLPs during development. Our functional evidence strongly supports the latter conclusion, based on the fact that activity of activated β-catenin is Tcf-dependent (van de Wetering et al. 2002), coupled with the robust phenotype in DA-Cat and APCMin animals, in which we observe pervasive effects of Wnt pathway dysregulation on myelin production throughout the CNS. Interestingly, although Tcf4 proteins are coexpressed with nuclear Olig1 proteins, Tcf4 segregated from cells expressing Olig1 mRNA transcripts, consistent with the possibility that Tcf4 is expressed at a transition stage when nuclear Olig1 proteins become down-regulated during remyelination.

Previous work has suggested inhibitory functions of Tcf4 on myelin basic protein gene expression in vitro (He et al. 2007), and our studies indicate that Tcf4 interactions with β-catenin inhibit myelination in vivo. Additional studies are warranted to rule out possible β-catenin-independent roles for Tcf4 in oligodendrocyte development. Although Wnt pathway activation has conventionally been thought of as activating gene targets, recent work has identified novel Tcf–β-catenin DNA regulatory binding sites that repress targets (Blauwwkamp et al. 2008). In this regard, one intriguing candidate target is HYCCIN (DRCTNNB1A), a Wnt-repressed target (Kawasoe et al. 2000) with essential roles in human myelination (Zara et al. 2006), which is expressed in rodent oligodendrocytes and down-regulated in Olig2cre/DA-Cat mice (Supplemental Fig. 8). Further studies are needed to better understand Tcf4–catenin function and its direct gene targets during oligodendrocyte lineage progression.

Wnt pathway dysregulation in OLPs as a mechanism leading to chronic demyelination in human white matter diseases
Therapeutic opportunities might arise from an enhanced understanding of the process regulating normal kinetics of remyelination. How might the negative regulatory role of the canonical Wnt pathway help to explain the pathology of demyelinating disease? Delayed remyelination due to Wnt pathway dysregulation in OLPs could lead to chronic demyelination by OLPs then missing a “critical window” for differentiation (Miller and Mi 2007; Franklin and Ffrench-Constant 2008). This “dysregulation model” of remyelination failure requires the Wnt pathway to be active during acute demyelination, as suggested by data from our animal systems and human MS tissue.
Canonical WNT signaling has been implicated in a variety of human diseases (Nelson and Nusse 2004), and gain-of-function mutations in β-catenin are etiologic in several cancers including the majority of colon adenocarcinomas. Approaches for treating Wnt-dependent cancers by promoting differentiation (and hence cell cycle arrest or apoptosis) using pharmacological inhibitors of the pathway are under development (Barker and Clevers 2005). It is possible that such antagonists might play a role in the therapeutic enhancement of remyelination by normalizing the kinetics of myelin repair. If so, the animal models described here (e.g., APC+/−) should be useful in preclinical testing. However, it is important to note that while dysregulation of a pathway might delay remyelination, it is overly simplistic to expect that inhibition of the same pathway would accelerate repair in the complex milieu of an MS lesion in which several inhibitory pathways might be active, compounded by the presence of myelin debris (Kotter et al. 2006). Indeed, because of the need to synergize with other processes (e.g., those associated with inflammation), accelerated differentiation might negatively affect repair (Franklin and Ffrench-Constant 2008). Further work is needed to comprehensively understand interactions of regulatory networks required for optimal remyelination and how these may be dysregulated in human demyelinating diseases.

Neurologic and ocular phenotype in Pitt-Hopkins syndrome and a zebrafish model.


In this study, we performed an in-depth analysis of the neurologic and ophthalmologic phenotype in a patient with Pitt-Hopkins syndrome (PTHS), a disorder characterized by severe mental and motor retardation, carrying a uniallelic TCF4 deletion, and studied a zebrafish model. The PTHS-patient was characterized by high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with diffusion tensor imaging to analyze the brain structurally, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography to visualize the retinal layers, and electroretinography to evaluate retinal function. A zebrafish model was generated by knockdown of tcf4-function by injection of morpholino antisense oligos into zebrafish embryos and the morphant phenotype was characterized for expression of neural differentiation genes neurog1, ascl1b, pax6a, zic1, atoh1a, atoh2b. Data from PTHS-patient and zebrafish morphants were compared. While a cerebral MRI-scan showed markedly delayed myelination and ventriculomegaly in the 1-year-old PTHS-patient, no structural cerebral anomalies including no white matter tract alterations were detected at 9 years of age. Structural ocular examinations showed highly myopic eyes and an increase in ocular length, while retinal layers were normal. Knockdown of tcf4-function in zebrafish embryos resulted in a developmental delay or defects in terminal differentiation of brain and eyes, small eyes with a relative increase in ocular length and an enlargement of the hindbrain ventricle. In summary, tcf4-knockdown in zebrafish embryos does not seem to affect early neural patterning and regionalization of the forebrain, but may be involved in later aspects of neurogenesis and differentiation. We provide evidence for a role of TCF4/E2-2 in ocular growth control in PTHS-patients and the zebrafish model. 


If you have a myelinating disease, you might want to read up on TCF4 and Wnt signalling. Probably not what the Minions take to read on the beach in the Maldives.

We also should recall the importance of what I am calling the "what, when and where" in neurological disorders. This is important for late onset disorders like schizophrenia, since the symptoms often develops in late teenage years and so it is potentially preventable, if identified early enough.

Today we see that TCF4 is expressed in white matter only in early childhood. If you knew what changes take place in the brains of children who go on to develop schizophrenia, you might well be able to prevent its onset.

Preventing some autism is already possible, as has been shown in mouse models, but in humans it is more complicated because of the "when" and quite literally the "where". There will be a post showing how the brain overgrowth typical of autism can be prevented using bumetanide, before it occurs, at least in mice.


Thursday 11 April 2019

Autism Polypill Version 5

Agnieszka's KetoForce and C8 are new additions, last time it was Tyler's Agmatine as additions to the Full Polypill

I recently updated my autism Polypill. It is now the fifth version, so it is becoming ever more personalized to one specific case of autism.  I added caprylic acid C8 and KetoForce Beta Hydroxybutyrate.
The full Polypill version 5 is here:

I do feel that I am getting near the final version. I already am pretty sure what is going to be added in the sixth version. There are one or two potentially clever ideas in this blog that I have not yet developed.
After my first year of autism research my doctor mother thought the result was good enough to stop, but I persevered and some further improvement did come. She was supportive of the concept but rather surprised it was possible. I think I have now achieved most of what is possible, which took an additional five years.
Having recently been reviewing the expected prognosis in longitudinal autism studies, including the one up to 22 years of age by Catherine Lord in the US, I think the result speaks for itself. In long term studies the remarkable improvement that rarely does occur, takes place by the age of eight. Verbal skills at the age of two is the best predictor of outcome at 19 years old.  I only started with my Polypill at the age of nine, when we were five years into trying to teach prepositions and maths was at the level of struggling with single digit addition and subtraction. Today at 15 years old, maths is at the same level as neurotypical 13-year-old classmates; so, we can say his maths age is 13.
I did suggest years ago to the French Bumetanide researchers that they measure IQ to show the impact of their therapy.
I think that in severe autism, and also Down Syndrome, huge strides forward are possible just by raising IQ.  We saw from the 15-year French study that the entire lower group, representing 80% of the total, had an IQ far less than 70 when they age out of school. An IQ of 70 is the threshold for MR/ID and affects 2.3% of the population.  Many of those French had IQs less than 40. 
Many parents do not like the term Mental Retardation (MR), so they made a nicer term Intellectual Disability (ID), which to me sounds like you might struggle playing chess, rather than dressing yourself and tying shoelaces.
Much MR/ID clearly is treatable.  That makes what is left of autism much easier to deal with. It makes the impact of any expensive 1:1 therapy much more substantial and therefore cost effective.
Recall we also have 81 other types of MR/ID that have been identified and are treatable.

As part of another project, I recently updated an old chart from this blog that shows the change in my autism index over time, including 6 years of the Polypill. I started treatment with Bumetanide on 17 December 2012. That was the sharp drop in the black line, followed rapidly by NAC and Atorvastatin. 

The big spike in the black line is the effect of the summertime allergy “stopping” the cognitive effect of bumetanide and producing the self-injurious behaviour of the same kind as the first big spike in the orange line.
The orange line after December 2012 is my forecast of what would happen, including a spike in bad behaviors likely to be triggered by puberty.
The spike in the black line at 13.5 years was a PANS-like episode that only lasted a couple of weeks, and was immediately treated using prednisone.
Heading towards 16 years old, Monty is still above the blue area, which we could call the “nerd cloud”. This is where you will find all those very mildly autistic, fully verbal people that now receive a medical or educational diagnosis of autism. Back in 1970s, 80s and 90s these were the nerdy kids at your school, who generally got by without any medical diagnosis/label. A small percentage will subsequently have attempted suicide.
On my chart typical development is not zero on the autism scale.
What is “normal” changes, typical kids develop their sense of “cool” group behavior before puberty and this continue until they become parents or just busy and fully employed. Then cool gradually fades and by 30 years old a socially awkward Aspie type really is not so different from a Dad who is juggling his job, commuting and his family obligations. There is no time to be cool.
I think around 18 is the peak difference between an NT young person and an Aspie.  Once the Aspie gets to College/University and meets more fellow Aspies life should get much better.  Find a job in a University or NASA and you will do just fine.
My therapy goal is just to keep heading towards zero on my scale. Entering the nerd cloud would be a great success; all that effort to reach the point many people with today's "autism" start from!
The IQ difference is already overcome. If you can do algebra, your IQ is way above 70.
Optimizing adaptive behaviour is the remaining goal. As the French longitudinal study and Catherine Lord from Cornell University highlighted in their studies, being fully verbal is a big part of enhancing adaptive behavior.  If you can be chatty, many aspects of life and functioning automatically get much easier.
So, in Monty’s case the emphasis has to be on expressive verbal communication, which is his weak point.
Fortunately, the additions in version 5 of the Polypill (Caprylic acid C8 and KetoForce BHB) and the expected additions in Version 6 will target this area. 
I did also write about critical periods and sensitive periods in the treatment of autism. It is clear that while it is never too late to start therapy, the sooner you start the bigger the effect will be. This is another reason why I doubt I will ever get to Version 10 - the clock is ticking.
Time is indeed a great healer, so even just Version 5 for another five years should continue to help Monty close the gap with typical people.
At another visit to the dentist last week when Monty had anaesthetic in his rear lower jaw, which apparently is the most difficult for a dentist treating a person with autism, the dentist was visibly relieved “it was exactly as you said it would be … he was better than my typical patients”.  That is the result of Polypills version 1 to 4 from 2012 to 2119; it is not down to parenting as the dentist believes. We did practise with a syringe and a drill at home, but it really was not needed. Monty understands why the process is necessary and what the steps involved are and so he is happy to sit back and open wide. Ten years ago this was not the case.

According to Catherine Lord at Cornell, based on her longitudinal studies from diagnosis up to adulthood, verbal skills at the age of 2 are the best predictor of outcome at 19 years old. Monty's verbal skills at the age of 2 were zero.

Unfortunately over 60% of the children she followed from 2 years old end up with a very poor outcome in adulthood - severe MR/ID, the adaptive skills of a four year old  and drugged up on psychotropic meds.  As in the 15 year long French longitudinal study of autism we looked at, the measured IQ falls over time. Anyone still think severe autism should not be treated? Perhaps they need their heads examining?

The optimal group of 10% do well, with an IQ shooting up to 111 (average IQ for typical people is 100) and OK with an adaptive functional age of 101 months (8.5 years old). Of them, 63% had a job and the great majority were not on psychotropic meds.  

It appears that in Lovaas' flawed ABA research he selected the kids that completed his trial from this Optimal 10% group. So yes, 50% did great, but they were already on track to do pretty well.  We learned from Dr Siegel that he weeded out the less able kids who did not respond to his therapy during the trial itself. You might think that all his research should now be rescinded.

LA ASD = less able ASD  (62% of the group) have IQ less than 70<70 div="">
MA ASD = more able ASD (38% of the group) with a subset called Optimal = the top 10%

Source: Catherine Lord's Presentation at UC Davis

I always wondered why American Psychiatrists decided to keep relaxing the boundaries of autism. There was no rational reason to do it, because it makes all the data incompatible and so comparisons meaningless. One good reason would be to hide the appalling outcomes of severe autism (DSM3 autism, Strictly Defined Autism etc), by adding more and more much milder autism the overall outcome looks quite acceptable.
Dr Lord is a psychologist and she comments in her presentation that today the prognosis results would look much better, as if that is a good thing. Being of logical engineer origin, I would counter that this is a nonsense. The results today would be exactly the same for those kind of kids; just that a sample in 2019 of 200 kids with newly diagnosed autism would include 100 who would not have been given a diagnosis 25 years ago when Dr Lord started her study. Nobody would have even sent those fully verbal quirky two year olds for evaluation.

For the final word on prognosis, we might recall from this earlier post


"Autistic adults with a learning disability were found to die more than 30 years before non-autistic people."

Time to customize your personalized medical therapy for autism?  If your child was fully verbal at two years old, then you might not need to bother.

My conclusion is that after 480 posts, this blog is now giving a fairly complete picture of autism. The features provided by Blogger/Google make it hard to navigate this blog and the very useful index by label is no longer available. Only a few people have read the entire blog.
It could be reorganized as follows.
  • Prevalence of the many Autisms
  • Prognosis
  • Evidence from clinical trials and case studies that shows improvement is genuinely possible and so it is worth your while to commit serious time to the process
  • Lots of science blah blah 
  • Precision medicine leading to a personalized therapy 
Unfortunately the science blah blah does get very detailed and does lose many people.  Biology is not complicated like math, there is just an awful lot of it and it remains only partially understood, so it changes.  Most people can follow the science, if they are willing to spend enough time, but you need to know that genuine improvement is indeed possible.  Some people are lucky and find their type of autism is similar to someone else's who has already found an effective therapy.
At some point I will get someone to write the java script to make a better index to the blog, so at least I can find things. 
Hopefully Version 6 of the Polpill will include two steps forward.