Showing posts with label Epiphany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Epiphany. Show all posts

Sunday 5 February 2023

Game Changer - the Epiphany ASD book on autism



My autism book has been published.

It is currently available via all Amazon websites as a paperback book, or eBook for Kindle.

In a few weeks it should become available via, which gives free shipping to most countries worldwide.  

When the book is more widely available, I will make another post about it.  



 Audrey Davidow, Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation:-

Too much promising science in the Autism field simply languishes in the lab, never making its way to clinical trials. Luckily for all of us special needs parents, Peter Lloyd-Thomas has done the translation for us, running his own n-of-1 trials on his son to share with the rest of us his vast knowledge on the subject - knowledge that goes beyond that of any doctor I've ever encountered in my 11 years on this journey. This book is a manual every doctor, scientist and parent should read, offering many promising interventions rooted in science. But at its core, it is a book of hope a book that reminds us to never give up on our children who are so desperate to learn, grow, communicate and develop meaningful relationships, just like the rest of us. Peter understands what many doctors don't seem to grasp; there are tangible ways to help our children, right now. Not in 10 years. Not once years’ worth of clinical trials are complete. NOW.  And his book is the ultimate bible for just how to do it.

Agnieszka Wroczyńska, a doctor and a mother of a child with autism and significant comorbidities, requiring substantial support :-

While there may be many different views on the essence autism spectrum disorder it is undeniable that ASD is associated with high unmet medical needs and lack of adequate translation of research findings into clinical practice. This book is a very good starting point to understand how you can use available scientific evidence to improve your child's quality of life. The book does not give all the answers, but it will help you ask the right questions.


How to use this book and what it offers 

(this is based on feedback from those who read the draft version of the book)


·    This book is written for those people who want to treat any debilitating symptoms of autism and common comorbidities, including intellectual disability. 


·    The book is much less complicated than the associated blog.  It is written in the style of a novel not a scientific paper.


·      There are plenty of topics covered and personal anecdotes that have no science involved.


·      Read only what you want to; skip over any parts that don't matter to your circumstances. The book does repeat itself sometimes because it is assumed that people will read selectively, based on what is most useful to them. 


·  Understand that this book is focused on personal experiences, including interactions with a wider community of people looking for answers. This means a lot of ground is covered but some is left out. 


·  Understand that this book is focused on what can be done for the brain, which is, of course, connected to the rest of the body; however, that focus means that some information is not included.


·   Make use of the blog, which is searchable, and contains far more detail and information. Throughout the book you will be given suggestions as to how to use search terms to access specific information on the blog but you can do this this for any topic.


·    Google terms that are new to you, but don't be concerned if you cannot understand the more scientific ones. Not completely grasping terms like DHCR7 will not impede your understanding of the book. 

·      The index is meant to benefit you for finding all the references to a single topic. 




 Contents of the book

The Author



Why I wrote this book




Part 1 Living in a Bubble


A personal journey into adulthood




Part 2 Tips and Tricks learnt along the way


Another easy read




Part 3 Autism 101


A simplified overview of the science and its

application to better understand autism




Part 4 Treating Autism using Personalized Medicine


An introductory perspective to a complex subject



Part 5 A to Z of Drugs used in Autism Clinical Trials

Who thinks there isn’t enough autism research?



Part 6 Preventing Autism


What to do about the autism tsunami




Take Home Message







Details of the paperback book and eBook


Game Changer is available as a paperback book

·         Paperback ‏ : ‎ 330 pages

·         ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8847843287 (International Standard Book Number)

·         ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BRJ88RJD  (unique stock number for Amazon websites)


And as an ebook for anyone who has the Kindle software on their tablet/phone or a Kindle device 

·         ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BRQVB1J3 (unique stock number for Amazon websites)

·         Print length ‏ : ‎ 388 pages


How to obtain a copy of the paperback book?


1.     From your local Amazon website

Larger Amazon markets like the US, UK and Germany have their own Print on Demand facility and can print and ship the book very quickly.  In the UK it takes in 1-3 days, a few days longer in EU.

For some Amazon markets, like Canada, it takes a few days longer. For Canada, the books are printed in the US. For Hong Kong Amazon delivers cheaply from the US.

Shipping from an Amazon website to most foreign countries can get expensive.  It is better to use the Book Depository website, when the book gets listed there.

To find the book on your local Amazon site enter

“Game Changer Lloyd Thomas”


Amazon’s product code B0BRJ88RJD


by the book's IBSN 979-8847843287

Direct links to the book for some Amazon sites are below:

