Showing posts with label Neuroprotection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neuroprotection. Show all posts

Sunday 12 May 2013

Statins for Neuroprotection in Autism - Part 2

I suggest you start by reading Part 1.  Click here for Part 1

Choice of Statin
Some statins are soluble in fats/lipids (lipophilic) and some are more soluble in water.  In order to cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) to reach the cerebellum and the Purkinje Cell Layer (PCL) a lipophilic statin will be required.  There is a choice of three: - atorvastatin, lovastatin, and simvastatin.  These are also among the most commonly prescribed for cholesterol reduction and so are widely available and inexpensive.

I chose atorvastatin.  Some statins are derived from fungi, but atorvastatin is synthetic.  Lovastatin and simvastatin are pro-drugs, whereas atorvastatin is already in an active form straight out of the box. Absorption of atorvastatin decreases when taken with food.  Due to its long half-life, atorvastatin can be administered at any time of day.

Atorvastatin is approved for use in children as young as 10 and in the US is prescribed to children as young as 5.

Atorvastatin, originally made by Pfizer under name Lipitor, is the best-selling drug in the history of the pharmaceutical industry.  It came off patent recently and so the price has collapsed to a very reasonable level.

In some countries the low dose forms are available over the counter, without a prescription.


More Related Research

The research effort into degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is far more prolific than into autism.  The closest research to my hypothesis that statins will “perk up the Purkinje cells” is this study:-


Fragile X syndrome

Fragile X syndrome is a genetic syndrome that leads to autistic behaviours.  About 5% of the cases defined as autism are due to this genetic flaw.  It also results in certain physical differences, namely:-
  • Large, protruding ears (one or both)
  • Long face (vertical maxillary excess)
  • High-arched palate (related to the above)
  • Hyper extensible finger joints
  • Hyper extensible ('Double-jointed') thumbs
  • Flat feet
  • Soft skin
  • Hypotonia (low muscle tone)
  • single palm crease (crease goes across entire palm)

 At MIT researchers have found that the statin Lovastatin “can correct Fragile X syndrome”.
I presume what is actually happening, is that in Fragile X there is also neuroinflammation and this has been reduced by the statin, rather than correcting the syndrome.

Retts Syndrome

Retts syndrome is another genetic disorder that causes regression and autism-like behaviours.  It affects mainly girls, because male fetuses with the disorder rarely survive to term.  The prognosis is not good.

Research is underway with statins and currently shows that statins improve symptoms of Rett syndrome in mice.

Statins and depression

A large study of patients with heart disease examined the difference between those on statins and those not.  Very interesting was the finding that those on statins had better mental health (i.e. less depression).

Statins: Mechanisms of neuroprotection

A very thorough presentation of the effect of statins and their possible mechanisms along with a review of their use in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and strokes, is in the excellent paper:-  Statins: Mechanisms of neuroprotection

 The anti-oxidant effect of statins

A study called The anti-oxidant effect of statins, looks very interesting, but only the abstract is freely available.  Here is the summary:-  

"A number of recent reports have shown that statins may also have important anti-inflammatory effects, in addition to their effects on plasma lipids. Since inflammation is closely linked to the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), the molecular basis of the observed anti-inflammatory effects of statins may relate to their ability block the production and/or activity of ROS. In this review, we will discuss both the inhibition of ROS generation by statins, through interference with NAD(P)H oxidase expression and activity, and the actions of statins that serve to blunt the damaging effects of these radicals, including effects on antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation, LDL cholesterol oxidation and nitric oxide synthase. These antioxidant effects of statins likely contribute to their clinical efficacy in treating cardiovascular disease as well as other chronic conditions associated with increased oxidative stress in humans."

Given the minimal side effects, that was more than enough evidence for me to start some primary research of my own. Step one was to try atorvastatin myself. 

My hypothesis is that atorvastatin will reduce autistic behaviours and that the mechanism is the reduction of neuroinflammation in the cerebellum and particularly in the Purkinje Cell Layer (PCL).  I believe that this will be valid regardless of the type of autism. 

The beneficial secondary effect will be reduction in LDL cholesterol, which is typically elevated in cases of autism.

Click here for  -  Statins Part 3