
Thursday 18 September 2014

GABA A Receptors in Autism – How and Why to Modulate Them

This post will get complicated, since it will look at many aspects of the GABA A receptor, rather than just a small fraction that usually appear in the individual pieces of the scientific literature. 

It was prompted by comments I have received from regular readers, regarding Bumetanide, Clonazepam, epilepsy and whether there might be alternatives with the same effect.  So it is really intended to answer some complex issues. 

There are some new interesting facts/observations that may be of wider interest, just skip the parts that too involved.

Regarding today’s picture, most readers of this blog are female and by the way, while the US is the most common location by far,  a surprisingly high number of page views come from France, Hong Kong, South Africa and Poland.


We have seen that GABA is one of the brain's most important neurotransmitters and we know that various forms of GABA dysfunction are associated with autism, epilepsy and indeed schizophrenia.

One recurring aspect in the research is the so-called excitatory-inhibitory balance of GABA.

The way the brain is understood to function assumes that GABA should be inhibitory and NMDA should be excitatory.

What makes GABA inhibitory is the level of the electrolyte chloride within the cells.  If the level is “wrong”, then GABA may be excitatory and the fine balance required with the NMDA receptor is lost.  The brain then cannot function as intended.

Source: Sage Therapeutics, a company that is developing new drugs that target GABAA and NMDA receptors

To understand what is going wrong in autism and how to treat it we need to take a detailed look at the GABAA receptor and all the anion transport mechanism associated with it.  Most research looks at either the receptor OR the transporters and exchangers.

Anion Transport Mechanisms of the GABAA receptor

You will either need to be a doctor, scientist or very committed to keep reading here.

We know that level of chloride within the cells is critical to whether GABA behaves as excitatory or inhibitory.  This has all been established in the laboratory.

The usual target in autism is the NKCC1 transporter that lets chloride INTO cells, but as you can see in the two figures below, there are other ways to affect the concentration of chloride.  

·        The KCC2 transporter lets chloride out of the cells

·        The sodium dependent anion exchanger (NDAE) lets chloride out of the cells

·        The sodium independent anion exchanger 3 (AE3), lets chloride in.  It extrudes intracellular HCO3- in exchange for extracellular Cl-.

All this does actually matter since we will be able to link it back to a known genetic dysfunction and it would suggest alternative therapeutic avenues.  We can also see how epilepsy fits into the picture.

NKCC1 in Autism

Without doubt, the transporter that controls the flow of chloride into the brain is the expert field of Ben Ari.

His recent summary paper is below:-

He showed that by reducing the level of chloride in the autistic brain using the common diuretic Bumetanide, a marked improvement in many peoples’ autism could be achieved

This post is really about expanding more on what he does not tell us.

KCC2 in Autism

In typical people, very early in life the KCC2 transporter develops and as a result level of chloride falls inside the cells, since the purpose of the transporter is to extrude chloride.

It appears that in autism this mechanism has been disrupted.  The existing science can show us what has gone wrong.

The following study shows that KCC2 is itself regulated by neuroligin-2 (NL2), a cell adhesion molecule specifically localized at GABAergic synapses.

It gets more interesting because the scientists looking for genetic causes of autism have already identified the gene that encodes NL2, which they call NLGN2 (neuroligin 2) as being associated with autism and schizophrenia (adult onset autism).




GABAA receptors are ligand-gated Cl- channels, and the intracellular Cl- concentration governs whether GABA function is excitatory or inhibitory. During early brain development, GABA undergoes functional switch from excitation to inhibition: GABA depolarizes immature neurons but hyperpolarizes mature neurons due to a developmental decrease of intracellular Cl- concentration. This GABA functional switch is mainly mediated by the up-regulation of KCC2, a potassium-chloride cotransporter that pumps Cl- outside neurons. However, the upstream factor that regulates KCC2 expression is unclear.


We report here that KCC2 is unexpectedly regulated by neuroligin-2 (NL2), a cell adhesion molecule specifically localized at GABAergic synapses. The expression of NL2 precedes that of KCC2 in early postnatal development. Upon knockdown of NL2, the expression level of KCC2 is significantly decreased, and GABA functional switch is significantly delayed during early development. Overexpression of shRNA-proof NL2 rescues both KCC2 reduction and delayed GABA functional switch induced by NL2 shRNAs. Moreover, NL2 appears to be required to maintain GABA inhibitory function even in mature neurons, because knockdown NL2 reverses GABA action to excitatory. Gramicidin-perforated patch clamp recordings confirm that NL2 directly regulates the GABA equilibrium potential. We further demonstrate that knockdown of NL2 decreases dendritic spines through down-regulating KCC2.


Our data suggest that in addition to its conventional role as a cell adhesion molecule to regulate GABAergic synaptogenesis, NL2 also regulates KCC2 to modulate GABA functional switch and even glutamatergic synapses. Therefore, NL2 may serve as a master regulator in balancing excitation and inhibition in the brain.

KCC2 in Peripheral nerve injury (PNI)

Autism is not the only diagnosis associated with reduced function of the KCC2 transporter; Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) is another.

In this condition researchers sought to counter the failure of KCC2 to remove chloride from within the cell by increasing the flow chloride through the Cl-/HCO3- anion exchanger known as AE3.


Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) negatively influences spinal gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic networks via a reduction in the neuron-specific potassium-chloride (K(+)-Cl(-)) cotransporter (KCC2). This process has been linked to the emergence of neuropathic allodynia. In vivo pharmacologic and modeling studies show that a loss of KCC2 function results in a decrease in the efficacy of GABAA-mediated spinal inhibition. One potential strategy to mitigate this effect entails inhibition of carbonic anhydrase activity to reduce HCO3(-)-dependent depolarization via GABAA receptors when KCC2 function is compromised. We have tested this hypothesis here. Our results show that, similarly to when KCC2 is pharmacologically blocked, PNI causes a loss of analgesic effect for neurosteroid GABAA allosteric modulators at maximally effective doses in naïve mice in the tail-flick test. Remarkably, inhibition of carbonic anhydrase activity with intrathecal acetazolamide rapidly restores an analgesic effect for these compounds, suggesting an important role of carbonic anhydrase activity in regulating GABAA-mediated analgesia after PNI. Moreover, spinal acetazolamide administration leads to a profound reduction in the mouse formalin pain test, indicating that spinal carbonic anhydrase inhibition produces analgesia when primary afferent activity is driven by chemical mediators. Finally, we demonstrate that systemic administration of acetazolamide to rats with PNI produces an antiallodynic effect by itself and an enhancement of the peak analgesic effect with a change in the shape of the dose-response curve of the α1-sparing benzodiazepine L-838,417. Thus, carbonic anhydrase inhibition mitigates the negative effects of loss of KCC2 function after nerve injury in multiple species and through multiple administration routes resulting in an enhancement of analgesic effects for several GABAA allosteric modulators. We suggest that carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, many of which are clinically available, might be advantageously employed for the treatment of pathologic pain states.


Using behavioral pharmacology techniques, we show that spinal GABAA-mediated analgesia can be augmented, especially following nerve injury, via inhibition of carbonic anhydrases. Carbonic anhydrase inhibition alone also produces analgesia, suggesting these enzymes might be targeted for the treatment of pain

Treatment of neuropathic pain is a major clinical challenge that has been met with minimal success. After peripheral nerve injury, a decrease in the expression of the K–Cl cotransporter KCC2, a major neuronal Cl extruder, leads to pathologic alterations in GABAA and glycine receptor function in the spinal cord. The down-regulation of KCC2 is expected to cause a reduction in Cl extrusion capacity in dorsal horn neurons, which, together with the depolarizing efflux of HCO−3 anions via GABAA channels, would result in a decrease in the efficacy of GABAA-mediated inhibition. Carbonic anhydrases (CA) facilitate intracellular HCO−3 generation and hence, we hypothesized that inhibition of CAs would enhance the efficacy of GABAergic inhibition in the context of neuropathic pain. Despite the decrease in KCC2 expression, spinal administration of benzodiazepines has been shown to be anti-allodynic in neuropathic conditions. Thus, we also hypothesized that spinal inhibition of CAs might enhance the anti-allodynic effects of spinally administered benzodiazepines. Here, we show that inhibition of spinal CA activity with acetazolamide (ACT) reduces neuropathic allodynia. Moreover, we demonstrate that spinal co-administration of ACT and midazolam (MZL) act synergistically to reduce neuropathic allodynia after peripheral nerve injury. These findings indicate that the combined use of CA inhibitors and benzodiazepines may be effective in the clinical management of neuropathic pain in humans.

In conclusion, the major finding of the present work is that ACT and MZL act synergistically to inhibit neuropathic allodynia. In light of the available in vitro data reviewed above, a parsimonious way to explain this synergism is that CA inhibition blocks an HCO−3 -dependent positive shift in the Er of GABA and/or glycine-mediated currents and the consequent tonic excitatory drive mediated by extrasynaptic GABAA receptors, while preserving shunting inhibition that is augmented by benzodiazepine actions at postsynaptic GABAA receptors. Obviously, further work is needed at the in vitro level in order to directly examine the cellular and synaptic basis of the ACT-MZL synergism and clinical studies are required to determine the safety of intrathecally applied CA inhibitors in humans. Since MZL and ACT, as well as several other inhibitors of CA [37], are clinically approved, we propose that their use in combination opens up a novel approach for the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain

Midazolam and Acetazolamide

The therapeutic as well as adverse effects of midazolam are due to its effects on the GABAA receptors; midazolam does not activate GABAA receptors directly but, as with other benzodiazepines, it enhances the effect of the neurotransmitter GABA on the GABAA receptors (↑ frequency of Cl− channel opening) resulting in neural inhibition. Almost all of the properties can be explained by the actions of benzodiazepines on GABAA receptors. This results in the following pharmacological properties being produced: sedation, hypnotic, anxiolytic, anterograde amnesia, muscle relaxation and anti-convulsant.

Acetazolamide, usually sold under the trade name Diamox in some countries.  Acetazolamide is a diuretic, and it is available as a (cheap) generic drug.

In epilepsy, the main use of acetazolamide is in menstrual-related epilepsy and as an adjunct in refractory epilepsy.

Acetazolamide is not an immediate cure for acute mountain sickness; rather, it speeds up part of the acclimatization process which in turn helps to relieve symptoms.  I am pretty sure, many years ago, it was Diamox that I took with me when crossing the Himalayas from Nepal into Tibet.  We did not have any problems with mountain sickness.

If periodic paralysis above rings some bells it should.  Two forms already mentioned in this blog are Hypokalemic periodic paralysis and Andersen Tawil syndrome.  We even referred to a paper suggesting the use of Bumetanide.

Acetazolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, hence causing the accumulation of carbonic acid Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme found in red blood cells that catalyses the following reaction:

hence lowering blood pH, by means of the following reaction that carbonic acid undergoes

Anion exchanger 3 (AE3) in autism

Anion exchange protein 3 is a membrane transport protein that in humans is encoded by the SLC4A3 gene. It exchanges chloride for bicarbonate ions.  It increases chloride concentration within the cell.  AE3 is an anion exchanger that is primarily expressed in the brain and heart

Its activity is sensitive to pH. AE3 mutations have been linked to seizures

Bicarbonate (HCO3-) transport mechanisms are the principal regulators of pH in animal cells. Such transport also plays a vital role in acid-base movements in the stomach, pancreas, intestine, kidney, reproductive organs and the central nervous system.


Chloride influx through GABA-gated Cl channels, the principal mechanism for inhibiting neural activity in the brain, requires a Cl gradient established in part by K+–Cl cotransporters (KCCs). We screened for Caenorhabditis elegans mutants defective for inhibitory neurotransmission and identified mutations in ABTS-1, a Na+-driven Cl–HCO3 exchanger that extrudes chloride from cells, like KCC-2, but also alkalinizes them. While animals lacking ABTS-1 or the K+–Cl cotransporter KCC-2 display only mild behavioural defects, animals lacking both Cl extruders are paralyzed. This is apparently due to severe disruption of the cellular Cl gradient such that Cl flow through GABA-gated channels is reversed and excites rather than inhibits cells. Neuronal expression of both transporters is upregulated during synapse development, and ABTS-1 expression further increases in KCC-2 mutants, suggesting regulation of these transporters is coordinated to control the cellular Cl gradient. Our results show that Na+-driven Cl–HCO3 exchangers function with KCCs in generating the cellular chloride gradient and suggest a mechanism for the close tie between pH and excitability in the brain.


During early development, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) depolarizes and excites neurons, contrary to its typical function in the mature nervous system. As a result, developing networks are hyperexcitable and experience a spontaneous network activity that is important for several aspects of development. GABA is depolarizing because chloride is accumulated beyond its passive distribution in these developing cells. Identifying all of the transporters that accumulate chloride in immature neurons has been elusive and it is unknown whether chloride levels are different at synaptic and extrasynaptic locations. We have therefore assessed intracellular chloride levels specifically at synaptic locations in embryonic motoneurons by measuring the GABAergic reversal potential (EGABA) for GABAA miniature postsynaptic currents. When whole cell patch solutions contained 17–52 mM chloride, we found that synaptic EGABA was around −30 mV. Because of the low HCO3 permeability of the GABAA receptor, this value of EGABA corresponds to approximately 50 mM intracellular chloride. It is likely that synaptic chloride is maintained at levels higher than the patch solution by chloride accumulators. We show that the Na+-K+-2Cl cotransporter, NKCC1, is clearly involved in the accumulation of chloride in motoneurons because blocking this transporter hyperpolarized EGABA and reduced nerve potentials evoked by local application of a GABAA agonist. However, chloride accumulation following NKCC1 block was still clearly present. We find physiological evidence of chloride accumulation that is dependent on HCO3 and sensitive to an anion exchanger blocker. These results suggest that the anion exchanger, AE3, is also likely to contribute to chloride accumulation in embryonic motoneurons.

Sodium dependent anion exchanger (NDAE)

Not much has been written about these exchangers, outside of very technical literature.

Sodium-coupled anion exchange is activated by intracellular acidification (Schwiening and Boron, 1994), suggesting that regulation of the chloride gradient by NDAEs may be closely linked to the regulation of cellular pH. As prolonged neuronal activity can cause neuronal acidification by efflux of bicarbonate through GABAA receptors (Kaila and Voipio, 1987), sodium-coupled anion exchange may help to maintain a hyperpolarizing chloride reversal potential and thus promote the inhibitory action of GABA. Thus activation of sodium-coupled anion exchange by acidosis may also contribute to seizure termination by promoting a more negative chloride reversal potential and thus promoting the inhibitory effects of GABA.

The GABAA receptor  (background is cut and paste from Wikipedia)

In order for GABAA receptors to be sensitive to the action of benzodiazepines they need to contain an α and a γ subunit, between which the benzodiazepine binds. Once bound, the benzodiazepine locks the GABAA receptor into a conformation where the neurotransmitter GABA has much higher affinity for the GABAA receptor, increasing the frequency of opening of the associated chloride ion channel and hyperpolarizing the membrane. This potentiates the inhibitory effect of the available GABA leading to sedative and anxiolytic effects.

Structure and function

Schematic diagram of a GABAA receptor protein ((α1)2(β2)2(γ2)) which illustrates the five combined subunits that form the protein, the chloride (Cl-) ion channel pore, the two GABA active binding sites at the α1 and β2 interfaces, and the benzodiazepine (BDZ) allosteric binding site

The receptor is a pentameric transmembrane receptor that consists of five subunits arranged around a central pore. Each subunit comprises four transmembrane domains with both the N- and C-terminus located extracellularly. The receptor sits in the membrane of its neuron, usually localized at a synapse, postsynaptically. However, some isoforms may be found extrasynaptically. The ligand GABA is the endogenous compound that causes this receptor to open; once bound to GABA, the protein receptor changes conformation within the membrane, opening the pore in order to allow chloride anions (Cl) to pass down an electrochemical gradient. Because the reversal potential for chloride in most neurons is close to or more negative than the resting membrane potential, activation of GABAA receptors tends to stabilize or hyperpolarise the resting potential, and can make it more difficult for excitatory neurotransmitters to depolarize the neuron and generate an action potential. The net effect is typically inhibitory, reducing the activity of the neuron. The GABAA channel opens quickly and thus contributes to the early part of the inhibitory post-synaptic potential (IPSP).


GABAA receptors are members of the large "Cys-loop" super-family of evolutionarily related and structurally similar ligand-gated ion channels that also includes nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, glycine receptors, and the 5HT3 receptor. There are numerous subunit isoforms for the GABAA receptor, which determine the receptor's agonist affinity, chance of opening, conductance, and other properties.
In humans, the units are as follows:
There are three ρ units (GABRR1, GABRR2, GABRR3), however these do not coassemble with the classical GABAA units listed above,[18] but rather homooligomerize to form GABAA-ρ receptors (formerly classified as GABAC receptors but now this nomenclature has been deprecated[19] ).
Five subunits can combine in different ways to form GABAA channels. The minimal requirement to produce a GABA-gated ion channel is the inclusion of both α and β subunits, but the most common type in the brain is a pentamer comprising two α's, two β's, and a γ (α2β2γ)
The receptor binds two GABA molecules, at the interface between an α and a β subunit

The important subunits for this post are:-
Very little is written about this subunit.

While the effect of editing on protein function is unknown, the developmental increase in editing does correspond to changes in function of the GABAA receptor. GABA binding leads to chloride channel activation, resulting in rapid increase in concentration of the ion. Initially, the receptor is an excitatory receptor, mediating depolarisation (efflux of Cl- ions) in immature neurons before changing to an inhibitory receptor, mediating hyperpolarization(influx of Cl- ions) later on. GABAA converts to an inhibitory receptor from an excitatory receptor by the upregulation of KCC2 cotransporter. This decreases the concentration of Cl- ion within cells. Therefore, the GABAA subunits are involved in determining the nature of the receptor in response to GABA ligand. These changes suggest that editing of the subunit is important in the developing brain by regulating the Cl- permeability of the channel during development. The unedited receptor is activated faster and deactivates slower than the edited receptor.

Editing of the I/M site is developmentally regulated

A switch in the GABA response from excitatory to inhibitory post-synaptic potentials occurs during early development where an efflux of chloride ions takes place in immature neurons, while there is an influx of chloride ions in mature neurons (Ben-Ari 2002). GABA switches from being excitatory to inhibitory by an up-regulation of the cotransporter KCC2 that decreases the chloride concentration in the cell. However, if GABA itself promotes the expression of KCC2 is still under debate (Ganguly et al. 2001; Ludwig et al. 2003; Titz et al. 2003). Further, the α subunits are critical elements in determining the nature of the GABAA receptor response to GABA (Böhme et al. 2004). The α3 mRNA (Gabra-3) is present at high levels in several forebrain regions at birth with a major decline after post-natal day 12 (P12), when the expression of α1 is going up (Laurie et al. 1992). The change from α3 to α1 may cause the switch in GABA behavior from excitatory to inhibitory post-synaptic potentials during development.
GABAA receptors respond to anxiolytic drugs such as benzodiazepines and are thus important drug targets. The benzodiazepine binding site is located at the interface of the α and γ2 subunits (Cromer et al. 2002). Antagonists that bind to this site enhance the effect of GABA by increasing the frequency of GABA-induced channel opening events. Post-transcriptional modifications of the α3 subunit, such as the I/M editing described here, could be important in determining the mechanistic features that are responsible for the diversity of GABAA receptors and the variability in sensitivity to drugs


A number of ligands have been found to bind to various sites on the GABAA receptor complex and modulate it besides GABA itself.


  • Agonists: bind to the main receptor site (the site where GABA normally binds, also referred to as the "active" or "orthosteric" site) and activate it, resulting in increased Cl conductance.
  • Antagonists: bind to the main receptor site but do not activate it. Though they have no effect on their own, antagonists compete with GABA for binding and thereby inhibit its action, resulting in decreased Cl conductance.
  • Positive allosteric modulators: bind to allosteric sites on the receptor complex and affect it in a positive manner, causing increased efficiency of the main site and therefore an indirect increase in Cl conductance.
  • Negative allosteric modulators: bind to an allosteric site on the receptor complex and affect it in a negative manner, causing decreased efficiency of the main site and therefore an indirect decrease in Cl conductance.
  • Open channel blockers: prolong ligand-receptor occupancy, activation kinetics and Cl ion flux in a subunit configuration-dependent and sensitization-state dependent manner.
  • Non-competitive channel blockers: bind to or near the central pore of the receptor complex and directly block Cl- conductance through the ion channel.

The GABAA receptor include a site where benzodiazepine can bind.  These are drugs that include like valium. Binding at this site increase the effect of GABA.  Since this receptor is meant to be inhibitory, giving valium should make it strong inhibitory, ie calming. 

It was noted that in autism the effect of valium was often the reversed, instead of calming it further increased anxiety.

The Valium is working just fine, it is magnifying the effect the effect of GABA, the problem is that the receptor is functioning as excitatory, the Valium is making it over-excitatory.  Now we come to the reason why.

We know that the excitatory-inhibitory balance is set by the chloride concentration within the cells.  We also know that exact mechanism that determines this level.


BTBR mice have reduced spontaneous GABAergic inhibitory transmission
Nonsedating doses of benzodiazepines improved autism-related deficits in BTBR mice
Impairment of GABAergic transmission reduced social interaction in wild-type mice
Behavioral rescue by low-dose benzodiazepine is GABAA receptor α2,3-subunit specific


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may arise from increased ratio of excitatory to inhibitory neurotransmission in the brain. Many pharmacological treatments have been tested in ASD, but only limited success has been achieved. Here we report that BTBR T+ Itpr3tf/J (BTBR) mice, a model of idiopathic autism, have reduced spontaneous GABAergic neurotransmission. Treatment with low nonsedating/nonanxiolytic doses of benzodiazepines, which increase inhibitory neurotransmission through positive allosteric modulation of postsynaptic GABAA receptors, improved deficits in social interaction, repetitive behavior, and spatial learning. Moreover, negative allosteric modulation of GABAA receptors impaired social behavior in C57BL/6J and 129SvJ wild-type mice, suggesting that reduced inhibitory neurotransmission may contribute to social and cognitive deficits. The dramatic behavioral improvement after low-dose benzodiazepine treatment was subunit specific—the α2,3-subunit-selective positive allosteric modulator L-838,417 was effective, but the α1-subunit-selective drug zolpidem exacerbated social deficits. Impaired GABAergic neurotransmission may contribute to ASD, and α2,3-subunit-selective positive GABAA receptor modulation may be an effective treatment.
These results indicate that different subtypes of GABAA receptors may have opposite roles in social behavior, with activation of GABAA receptors containing α2,3 subunits favoring and of GABAA receptors with α1  subunits reducing social interaction, respectively.

Because of their broad availability and safety, benzodiazepines and other positive allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors administered at low nonsedating, nonanxiolytic doses that do not induce tolerance deserve consideration as a near-term strategy to improve the core social interaction deficits and repetitive behaviors in ASD.

These results are most consistent with the hypotheses that reduced inhibitory neurotransmission is sufficient to induce autistic-like behaviors in mice and that enhanced inhibitory neurotransmission can reverse autistic-like behaviors.


I have received various comments about epilepsy.  Epilepsy has many variants, just like autism.  Epilepsy is often comorbid with autism.  GABA dysfunction is known to be closely involved in some types of autism and some types of epilepsy.

It is known that Bumetanide has very different effects in different types of epilepsy.
The question that naturally arises is whether you can give Bumetanide to someone who has autism and epilepsy and if you cannot, is there an alternative with the same desired effect?

Well it appears that any method that changes chloride levels is likely to affect epilepsy.  It appears that all three methods (NKCC1, KCC2 and AE3) would likely have the same impact on epilepsy.

But would it be a good effect or a bad effect?

Would it interact with any existing anti-epilepsy drugs?

I suspect that Bumetanide might be an effective anti-epileptic in people with autism and that other GABA related drugs might no longer be needed.  Quite likely the effect of Bumetanide and the anti-epileptic targeting GABA might be too much.  So the blog reader that pointed out that the bumetanide clinical trial excluded children with epilepsy has highlighted an important point.

While epilepsy is not fully understood and there are various variants, it would seem plausible that the epilepsy common in core classic autism and early regressive autism is the same type and that it is linked to the same excitatory/inhibitory dysfunction.

You may be wonder if other diuretics have anti-epileptic properties. Here is a paper by a Neurologist from Denver on the subject:-

Why is there an excitatory/inhibitory dysfunction in Autism?

People are writing entire books on the GABA excitatory/inhibitory balance.  I was curious as to why this dysfunction exists at all in autism. 

We learnt from Ben-Ari in earlier posts all about this switch from excitatory to inhibitory that is supposed to occur very early on in life, we now have two reasons why this may fail to happen in autism:-

1.     Editing modifies the GABAA receptor subunit α3.  The change from α3 to α1 may cause the switch in GABA behavior from excitatory to inhibitory post-synaptic potentials during development.  This change appears not to occur in some types of autism.  We see from the Clonazepam research that α3 and  α1 have opposite effects in autism.   In autism, activation of GABAA receptors containing α2,3 subunits favours social interaction  and activation of α1  subunits reduces social interaction.


2.     The GABA functional switch is mainly mediated by the up-regulation of KCC2, a potassium-chloride cotransporter that pumps Cl- outside neurons.  NL2 also regulates KCC2 to modulate GABA functional switch. Therefore, NL2 may serve as a master regulator in balancing excitation and inhibition in the brain.  The gene that encodes NL2 is called NLGN2 (neuroligin 2).  Dysfunction in gene NLGN2 is known to occur in both autism and schizophrenia (adult onset autism).


We came full circle back to Bumetanide and Clonazepam as most likely the safest and most effective therapy to adjust the E/I (excitatory/inhibitory) balance in autism. KCCI agonists do not seem to exist.  The bicarbonate exchanger agonist Acetazolamide/Diamox is another common diuretic and I see no reason why it would not also be effective, but we would then affect bicarbonate levels.  Since these ions play a role in controlling pH levels, I think we might risk seeing some unintended effects.  We know that Bumetanide is safe in long term use.  We know that all diuretics that change chloride level within the cell and will affect epilepsy; so it is a case of “better the devil you know”. 

I finally understood exactly why tiny dose of Clonazepam are effective and how this fits in with the changes the Bumetanide has produced.  Thankfully, such tiny doses are free of the typical side effects expected from benzodiazepines.  One tablet lasts 10 days.

It also answers somebody else’s question about starting with Clonazepam before the Bumetanide.  If you did that you might well make things much worse, you would magnify the unwanted excess brain cell firing.  Once you added bumetanide things would then reverse and brain cell firing would be inhibited.

I rather like the parallel with neuropathic pain, the other condition we looked at with reduced KCC2 transporter function, the researchers there proposed the combination of a diuretic (Acetazolamide) to lower cellular chloride (via exchanger AE3) and a benzodiazepine (Midazolam) as a positive allosteric modulator.  This is extremely similar to Ben Ari’s bumetanide (diuretic affecting transporter NKCC1) plus Catterall’s tiny doses of clonazepam (benzodiazepine) as a positive allosteric modulator.

As for epilepsy and bumetanide, we know that bumetanide has different effects on different types of autism. It seems plausible that people with autism might tend to have the same type of epilepsy.  In any case Monty, aged 11 with ASD, does not have epilepsy/seizures and I suspect taking bumetanide has decreased the chance he ever will.  Of course I cannot prove this, it is just conjecture.

Monday 15 September 2014

Antabine (Anatabloc) and Autism - a Supplement or a Drug?

This is another post prompted by a comment received on this blog.

My 15 year-old daughter has classic regressive type ASD. I started her on an anti-inflammatory, Anatabloc, over a year ago and it allowed me to take her off atypical anti-psychotics ( she was on them for aggression) Do you know anyone else using this dietary supplement?  

I found this very interesting and so I did some quick research.

Anatabloc was until very recently sold in the US as a supplement, it was withdrawn from sale by the producer following a corruption trial and a dispute with the FDA over approvals.  Nobody is saying the supplement does not work, rather it is a drug.


Anatabloc was sold as an anti-inflammatory supplement based on a substance called Anatabine, found in tobacco and in lower concentrations in green tomatoes, green potatoes, ripe red peppers, tomatillos, and sundried tomatoes.

Anatabine has been studied in animal models and in cells to see if it might be useful for treating nicotine addiction and inflammation, and has been studied in models of diseases characterized by inflammation, such as Alzheimer's Disease, thyroiditis, and multiple sclerosis.

On a biochemical level, it appears to be active against certain nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Regular readers will recall extensive earlier posts on the cholinergic system and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

The conclusion of all those posts was that, most definitely, in some people’s autism, an effective strategy is to adjust the cholinergic system.  Possible methods include:-

·        Vagus nerve stimulation – still in development
·        Nicotine patches – cheap and effective in some people
·        Two Alzheimer's drugs Donepezil and Galantamine, that are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

So at first it seemed that Anatabloc may be “just another” cholinergic drug.  However on analyzing the patent submitted by the producer, it seems there may be an alternative mode of action.

Patent for Antabine use in Autism

32| Anatabine is an alkaloid present in tobacco and, in lower concentrations, in a variety of foods, including green tomatoes, green potatoes, ripe red peppers, tomatillos, and sundried tomatoes. Without being bound by this explanation, data presented in Examples I and 2 below indicate that anatabine reduces transcription mediated by nuclear factor B (NFKB). NFKB is a transcription factor which operates in cells involved in inflammatory and immune reactions.

The nuclear factor NF-κB pathway

NF-κB is seen as being clinically significant in cancer and inflammation.

The NF-κB pathway has long been considered a prototypical proinflammatory signaling pathway, largely based on the role of NF-κB in the expression of proinflammatory genes including cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules.  

NF-κB has long been considered the “holy grail” as a target for new anti-inflammatory drugs.

Because NF-κB controls many genes involved in inflammation, it is not surprising that NF-κB is found to be chronically active in many inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, sepsis, gastritis, asthma, atherosclerosis and others. It is important to note though, that elevation of some NF-κB inhibitors, such as osteoprotegerin (OPG), are associated with elevated mortality, especially from cardiovascular diseases.  Elevated NF-κB has also been associated with schizophrenia.

I take the, perhaps unconventional, view that schizophrenia is adult-onset autism.  It has already shown that in terms of genetics, there is a great overlap between these two conditions.


Schizophrenic patients showed activation of the cytokine system and immune disturbance. NF-kappaB activation may play a pivotal role in schizophrenia through interaction with cytokines

The nuclear factor NF-κB pathway has long been considered a prototypical proinflammatory signaling pathway, largely based on the role of NF-κB in the expression of proinflammatory genes including cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules. In this article, we describe how genetic evidence in mice has revealed complex roles for the NF-κB in inflammation that suggest both pro- and anti-inflammatory roles for this pathway. NF-κB has long been considered the “holy grail” as a target for new anti-inflammatory drugs; however, these recent studies suggest this pathway may prove a difficult target in the treatment of chronic disease. In this article, we discuss the role of NF-κB in inflammation in light of these recent studies.

Clinical trials using Anatabloc

The producer behind Anatabloc is well advanced with clinical trials, as you can see below.

I suspect that Anatabloc will disappear as a supplement and reappear a few years later on as an FDA approved drug for various conditions.


It is a pity that Anatabloc has been taken off the market.

It looks plausible that it could be effective in other people’s autism, not just the reader of this blog.

For the time-being, other than taking up smoking, a good source would be those tasty sun-dried tomatoes.


Having re-read this post and taken a closer look at the patent and the company, I wonder if the original comment is genuine.  The patent is not very convincing and in Table 1 on page 44 it is quoting Wakefield et al, as one of only two sources that link inflammation to autism.  I could have written a much better patent application myself.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Adaptive Behavior and Autism

Today’s post is rather off subject, since it is not about GABA or complex pathways mainly researched for cancer.  It is about struggling to put on your shrunken socks, that shirt that was left inside out, or finishing your Lego by yourself.

Adaptive Behavior / Coping Skills

Most people never need to think about adaptive behavior; it just comes naturally.  When adaptive behavior is very weak, then daily life becomes a challenge.

Adaptive behavior is a type of behavior that is used to adjust to another type of behavior or situation.  Adaptive behavior reflects an individual’s social and practical competence of daily skills to meet the demands of everyday living.

Adaptive behavior is often measured by psychologists using the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale .

This post looks as adaptive behavior and some ways to improve it.

What prompted this post was a recent post on the excellent Simons Foundation blog:-

Fragile X is rare, but is associated with autistic behaviors and often MR. It is viewed as the most widespread single-gene cause of autism.  Fragile X is frequently used by autism researchers because there is a mouse model of it.

In fact what the study showed was that the acquisition of coping skills in fragile X is much slower that with typical children and as they get older, the wider the gap becomes.  They do not lose their existing coping skills with age.  This fits perfectly with how Deborah Fein, my favored Neuropsychologist, describes skill acquisition in autism. 
Her chart below is actually more optimistic than how she actually describes it.

She is just past half way down the long list of lectures.

Fein’s small “recovered” group has a spurt of development that allows them to catch up. This is extremely rare, but evidently can happen.

By interfering with Nature’s chosen path, as is the objective of this blog, we should be able to change the trajectory of skill acquisition.  

ABA and Adaptive Behaviours

One of the good things about the ABA approach is that it includes, and indeed prioritizes, developing adaptive behavior, in the form of daily living and self-help skills and developing fine and gross motor skills.  

The “bible” of skills to teach is The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills - Revised (ABLLS-R), when starting with a young, non-verbal child, the document is extremely daunting.  But looking back, it really does have all the key skills and what order to teach them.

People only slightly familiar with ABA might think that it is the opposite of “adaptive”, since ABA is teaching you to follow exact rules and instructions.  So what happens when the situation is slightly different? Then what?

Some of these situations are predictable, like what to do when you are brushing your teeth and the toothpaste tube is empty.

The options might include:-
1.     Start screaming
2.     Give up
3.     Ask for help
4.     Brush with water alone
5.     Find a new tube of toothpaste
I think that the early emphasis on fine/gross motor skills helps the brain develop pathways that can later be used for more complex processes.  So insisting on learning to catch a ball, control a pencil, stack colored block in order is much more important than it may seem.

ABA may be teaching the brain to structure itself, which may be a pre-requisite for it to become more adaptive later on.

Motor skills and adaptive behavior skills in children with ASD

Thanks yet again to funding from the Simons Foundation, the following study looks at just this very subject.  The abstract is rather better laid out than the copy of the full version that I managed to locate.

To determine the relationship of motor skills and adaptive behavior skills in young children with autism.
A multiple regression analysis tested the relationship of motor skills on the adaptive behavior composite, daily living, adaptive social and adaptive communicative skills holding constant age, non-verbal problem solving, and calibrated autism severity.
Majority of the data collected took place in an autism clinic.
A cohort of 233 young children with ASD (n = 172), PDD-NOS (n = 22) and non-ASD (developmental delay, n = 39) between the ages of 14–49 months were
recruited from early intervention studies and clinical referrals. Children with non-ASD (developmental delay) were included in this study to provide a range of
scores indicted through calibrated autism severity.
Not applicable.
Main outcome measures
The primary outcome measures in this study were adaptive behavior skills.
Fine motor skills significantly predicted all adaptive behavior skills (p < 0.01). Gross motor skills were predictive of daily living skills (p < 0.05). Children with
weaker motor skills displayed greater deficits in adaptive behavior skills.
The fine and gross motor skills are significantly related to adaptive behavior skills in young children with autism spectrum disorder. There is more to focus on and new avenues to explore in the realm of discovering how to implement early intervention and rehabilitation for young children with autism and motor skills need to be a part of the discussion.

Fine and gross motor skills were predictive of those important adaptive/living skills.
Does this mean that by improving fine/gross motors skills you will improve adaptive/living skills? This comes to the recurring issue of correlation and/or causality.  Since this my blog, we can apply that overriding factor which is “common sense”, and say yes, in most cases, it will.

Our Experience of Adaptive Behavior
After a few years of ABA, adaptive behavior did gradually improve, albeit from a baseline of near zero.
It is clear from the literature that some children do not respond to ABA; I think it is really a case that they do not respond to anything.  In these children overcoming the biological origin of their autism is a prerequisite for meaningful progress.
It is also likely that the earlier a biological intervention is made the better the final outcome.  Typical kids can spend twenty years in education and so the more time an autistic child has in full time education with a “re-tuned” brain the better.  Adaptive behavior typically emerges/develops from birth to early childhood, a time when many with ASD are not “present”. 
If you can progress with ABA, then additionally treating the biological dysfunctions should boost the learning trajectory.
Only recently though did I start to observe some spontaneous developments.  Getting dressed after swimming, when your feet are still a little damp, it can be hard for anyone to put their socks on, so I am really pleased that Monty, aged 11 with ASD, now manages all by himself.
In the not too distant past, untangling his inside out jeans, re-attaching the half detached belt would have been the source of great frustration.  You could use ABA to train somebody to untangle their jeans and thread their belt neatly, but we never did.  This he is figuring out all by himself.
Another recent example is his latest Lego model.  We are big Lego fans, but in the earlier times Monty was more interested in “crashing” his Lego than playing with it.  It was a case of build it, crash it and then somebody else look for all those tiny pieces. 
His latest toy plane has extremely fiddly little stickers that you have to stick on the bricks.  If you do not get them lined up nicely, you have to pull them off and start again.  It really is a test of both fine motor skills and patience.
So I was assuming that when Monty came to the stickers, either he would not bother or he would ask for help.  But no, he just said “stickers” and stuck them on.

Things are definitely changing for the better.  

Saturday 6 September 2014

Tics, Ticks, Autism - Wnt signaling & PAK1

I was interested to receive a comment from a reader of this blog who finds that the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin has a major impact on her child’s  autism, debilitating tics and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

Regular readers may recall that when looking at so-called PAK1 inhibitors, which look like the Holy Grail for both common cancers and autism, it turned out that two already exist.  One is an old anti-parasitic drug called Ivermectin and the other is a substance found in certain types of bee propolis from Brazil and New Zealand.

It then turned out that a handful of “alternative” practitioners in the US are already using Ivermectin for autism, but for entirely different reasons.  They believe that various parasites exist inside the children and cause/exacerbate autism.

I thought this was intriguing and quite likely another case of “the right therapy, for the wrong reason”.

Tics and Ticks

Tics are those sudden, repetitive involuntary actions that can vary from annoying to debilitating.

Ticks are tiny parasites that like to attach themselves to your skin, they can fall from trees/bushes or attach themselves to skin as you pass through long grass. Some ticks carry Lyme Disease.

Tics are common in autism, PANDAS, PANS and many forms of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

It seems that some “alternative” practitioners in the US are treating PANDAS and PANS on the assumption that it is caused by Lyme Disease.  Others are recommending “de-worming” for autism, on the assumption that intestinal parasites are to blame.

Here is a link to somebody writing about these alternative practitioners, for those who are curious.

My take

This all sound highly odd to me, partly because it seems that you have to keep taking the de-worming tablets for the long term.  With regular mild parasites found in developed countries, drugs therapy can eliminate the parasites.  In some tropical climates more aggressive parasites exist that are almost impossible to eradicate 100%.

So regular de-worming of humans in the United States, in 2014, sounds bizarre.

On the other hand, you cannot dispute when somebody finds their child’s tics and OCD have disappeared with the de-worming therapy and that they return when the therapy stops.

Is it, as I suggested in the early posts, that the PAK1 inhibiting properties of Ivermectin are behind its effect?  Hopefully yes, but I am not sure.  So I will take a look at Ivermectin and see if it has any other properties that could impact autism, tics and OCD.

Ivermectin - not just for your dog

Most people would only come across Ivermectin at the vet, but there is much more to it.

Discovered in the late-1970s, originating solely from a single microorganism isolated at the Kitasato Institute, Tokyo, Japan from Japanese soil, Ivermectin has had an immeasurably beneficial impact in improving the lives and welfare of billions of people throughout the world. Originally introduced as a veterinary drug, it kills a wide range of internal and external parasites in commercial livestock and companion animals. It was quickly discovered to be ideal in combating two of the world’s most devastating and disfiguring diseases which have plagued the world’s poor throughout the tropics for centuries. It is now being used free-of-charge as the sole tool in campaigns to eliminate both diseases globally. It has also been used to successfully overcome several other human diseases and new uses for it are continually being found.

The origins of ivermectin as a human drug are inextricably linked with Onchocerciasis (or River Blindness), a chronic human filarial disease caused by infection with Onchocerca volvulus worms. The disease causes visual damage for some 1–2 million people, around half of who will become blind.

Lymphatic Filariasis, also known as Elephantiasis, is another devastating, highly debilitating disease that threatens over 1 billion people in more than 80 countries. Over 120 million people are infected, 40 million of whom are seriously incapacitated and disfigured. The disease results from infection with filarial worms

Modes of Action

Let us look at the various modes of action proposed for Ivermectin.

1.     GABA

Initially, researchers believed that Ivermectin blocked neurotransmitters, acting on GABA-gated Cl channels, exhibiting potent disruption at GABA receptors in invertebrates and mammals.

In mammals the GABA receptors occur only in the central nervous system (CNS), i.e. in the brain and the spinal cord. But mammals have a so-called blood-brain barrier (BBB) that prevents microscopic objects and large molecules to get into the brain. Ivermectin, while paralyzing body-wall and pharyngeal muscle in nematodes has no such impact in mammals.  Consequently Ivermectin is much less toxic to mammals than to parasites without such a barrier, which allows quite high safety margins for use on livestock, pets and humans.

2.     Glutamate

Subsequently, researchers discovered that it was in fact glutamate-gated Cl channels (GUCl) that were the target of Ivermectin and related drugs.

3.     Reversing Immunosuppression

The growing body of evidence supports the theory that the rapid parasite clearance following Ivermectin treatment results not from the direct impact of the drug but via suppression of the ability of the parasite to secrete proteins that enable it to evade the host’s natural immune defence mechanism.

In a major breakthrough that comes after decades of research and nearly half a billion treatments in humans, scientists have finally unlocked how a key anti-parasitic drug kills the worms brought on by the filarial diseases river blindness and elephantitis

Regular readers will recall that a beneficial parasite therapy in inflammatory diseases is the TSO worm.  This worm also modulates the host’s immune system so as not to be ejected.  This calming of the over activated immune system appears to be beneficial in several conditions and possibly autism.

4.     Inhibitor of Wnt-TCF Pathway

Recent cancer research has shown the Ivermectin has a highly unexpected property; it can block a pathway called Wnt-TCF on which many cancers are dependent.

Wnt signaling is also a strong activator of mitochondrial biogenesis. This leads to increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), in other words oxidative stress, known to cause DNA and cellular damage.

Perhaps aberrant Wnt signaling is involved in the mechanism of autism?

Well it appears to be the case.

 Mounting attention is being focused on the canonical Wnt signaling pathway which has been implicated in the pathogenesis of autism in some our and other recent studies. The canonical Wnt pathway is involved in cell proliferation, differentiation and migration, especially during nervous system development. Given its various functions, dysfunction of the canonical Wnt pathway may exert adverse effects on neurodevelopment and therefore leads to the pathogenesis of autism.

5.     Inhibitor of PAK1

We already know from earlier in this blog, that Ivermectin is a PAK1 inhibitor.  Blocking PAK1 should prevent several common cancers, according to researchers at MIT, who also suggest that autism cannot occur without PAK1.\

Not entirely surprisingly, if you look into the cancer research you will see that PAK and WNT are interrelated.

p21-Activated kinase (PAK) interactswith Wnt signaling to regulate tissue polarity and gene expression

Wnt signaling is mediated by three classes of receptors, Frizzled, Ryk, and Ror. In Caenorhabditis elegans, Wnt signaling regulates the anterior/posterior polarity of the P7.p vulval lineage, and mutations in lin-17/Frizzled cause loss or reversal of P7.p lineage polarity. We found that pak-1/Pak (p21-activated kinase), along with putative activators of Pak, nck-1/Nck, and ced-10/Rac, regulates P7.p polarity. Mutations in these genes suppress the polarity defect of lin-17 mutants. Furthermore, mutations in pak-1, nck-1, and ced-10 cause constitutive dauer formation at 27 °C, a phenotype also observed in egl-20/Wnt and cam-1/Ror mutants. In HEK293T cells, Pak1 can antagonize canonical Wnt signaling. Moreover, overexpression of Ror2 leads to phosphorylation of Pak1. Together, these results indicate that Pak interacts with Wnt signaling to regulate tissue polarity and gene expression.

So there at least five possible effects that Ivermectin can have.

Too much Ivermectin is not good

According to the literature in the developing world, there are 200 million people ( currently taking Ivermectin, which is provided free for river blindness; some of those have been using the drug for over 20 years - so much is known about it.

It is suggested that at excessive doses, Ivermectin starts to cross the BBB and then affects the neurotransmitter GABA.  Ivermectin stimulates the release of the GABA in the presynaptic neurons and enhances its postsynaptic binding to its receptors. This increases the flow of chloride ions in the neurons, which causes hyperpolarization of the cell membranes. This on its turn disturbs normal nervous functions and causes a general blockage of the stimulus mechanisms in the CNS. The resulting cerebral and cortical deficits include mainly:
    • Ataxia (uncoordinated movements)
    • Hypermetria (excessive or disproportionate movements)
    • Disorientation
    • Hyperesthesia (excessive reaction to tactile stimuli)
    • Tremor (uncoordinated trembling or shaking movements)
    • Mydriasis (dilatation of the pupils); in cattle and cats also myosis (contraction of the pupils)
    • Recumbency (inability to rise)
    • Depression
    • Blindness
    • Coma
So, too much Ivermectin is not a good idea.

So why is Ivermectin good for Tics, OCD and Autism?

At low doses Ivermectin does not cross the BBB (blood brain barrier), but in autism it appears that the BBB can be more permeable than it should be.  So possibly Ivermectin produces an increase in GABA, like that caused by Valproic Acid.  Some people with autism find Valproic Acid very beneficial.

Perhaps those glutamate-gated Cl channels (GUCl) play a, yet unidentified, role in autism.

Or, perhaps we got it right and PAK inhibiting property is what matters. 

Perhaps being an PAK1 inhibitor will also make it a Wnt inhibitor, or maybe not, worth checking though?

Perhaps the MIT guys got it wrong and it is Wnt rather than PAK that we should be focused on? 

I hope the blog reader that prompted this post does indeed give the bee propolis a go and see if it has the same effect as Ivermectin.


Having said in an earlier post that I will not try and out-smart the cancer researchers, I will just say that the extremely cheap drug Ivermectin does seem to have some potent anti-cancer properties.  

I know that cancer drugs are supposed to be hugely expensive.

An earlier post mentioned Ivermectin’s positive effect on Leukemia, but it seems that the WNT-TCF Pathway is involved in very many cancers.  This is not to mention that just being a PAK1 inhibitor should be enough to prompt further interest.


Well it looks like Dr Wu and Dr Klinghardt have indeed got the therapy right, but I believe for entirely the wrong reasons. By promoting themselves via organisations like Autism One, they are almost guaranteed to be ignored by mainstream doctors and researchers. The therapy will therefore remain on the fringe, with the quacks and cranks.

From my perspective, what really matters is whether a therapy works.  We can always later on figure out why it works.  So thank you Dr Wu and Dr Klinghardt.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

GABA’s role in Neurodevelopment – Oxytocin and Bumetanide

This is a very brief post to direct those of you interested in the role of GABA, the neurotransmitter, towards a very recent open access review paper by Ben Ari.

In particular, people considering Oxytocin or Bumetanide to treat autism may find it interesting.