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Showing posts sorted by date for query vagus nerve. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday 26 February 2015

Inflammation Leading to Cognitive Dysfunction

Today’s post highlights a paper with some very concise insights into how microglial cells become “activated” resulting in the “exaggerated inflammatory response” that many people with autism experience on a daily basis.  

This is very relevant to treatment, which is not usually the objective of much autism research.

I recall reading a comment from John’s Hopkins about neuroinflammation/activated microglia in autism; they commented that no known therapy currently exists and that, of course, common NSAIDs like ibuprofen will not be effective.  But NSAIDs are effective.

As we see in today’s paper, there a least 4 indirect cytokine-dependent pathways leading to the microglia, plus one direct one.
NSAIDs most definitely can reduce cytokine signaling and thus, indirectly, reduce microglial activation.

The ideal therapy would act directly at the microglia, and as Johns Hopkins pointed out, that does not yet exist with today's drugs.  If you read the research on various natural flavonoids you will see that “in vitro” there are known substances with anti-neuroinflammatory effects on microglial activation.  The recurring “problem” with such substances is low bioavailability and inability to cross the blood brain barrier.

Back to Today’s Paper

It was a conference paper at the 114th Abbott Nutrition Research Conference - Cognition and Nutrition

The paper is not about autism, it is about more general cognitive dysfunction.  It is from mainstream science (I checked).

It explains how inflammation anywhere in the body can be translated across the BBB (Blood Brain Barrier) to activate the microglia.  This of course allows you to think of ways to counter these mechanisms.

It also raises the issue of whether or not anti-inflammatory agents really need to cross the BBB.  While you might think that ability to cross the BBB is a perquisite to mitigate the activated microglia, this may not be the case.  Much can be achieved outside the BBB, and we should not rule out substances that cannot cross the BBB.

Very many known anti-inflammatory substances do not cross the BBB.   


extracts from the above paper ...

Example – Influenza and Cognition

Neurological and cognitive effects associated with influenza infection have been reported throughout history.

The simplest explanation for these neurocognitive effects is that influenza virus makes its way to the brain, where it is detected by neurons.

However, most influenza strains, including those responsible for pandemics, are considered non-neurotropic, neurological symptoms associated with influenza infection are not a result of direct viral invasion into the CNS.

Moreover, neurons do not have receptors to detect viruses (or other pathogens) directly.

Cells of the immune system do, however, as the immune system’s primary responsibility is to recognize infectious pathogens and contend with them. For example, sentinel immune cells such as monocytes and macrophages are equipped with toll-like receptors (TLR) that recognize unique molecules associated with groups of pathogens (i.e., pathogen-associated molecular patterns). Stimulation of TLRs that recognize viruses (TLR3 and TLR7) and bacteria (TLR4) on immune sentinel cells can have profound neurological and cognitive effects, suggesting the immune system conveys a message to the brain after detecting an infectious agent. This message is cytokine based.

Macrophages and monocytes produce inflammatory cytokines (e.g., interleukin [IL]-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α [TNF-α]) that facilitate communication between the periphery and brain.

Cytokine-dependent Pathways to the Brain

Several cytokine-dependent pathways that enable the peripheral immune system to transcend the blood-brain barrier have been dissected.

Inflammatory cytokines present in blood can be actively transported into the brain.
But there are also four indirect pathways:-

1.     Cytokines produced in the periphery need not enter the brain to elicit neurocognitive changes. This is because inflammatory stimuli in the periphery can induce microglial cells to produce a similar repertoire of inflammatory cytokines. Thus, brain microglia recapitulates the message from the peripheral immune system.

2.     in a second pathway, inflammatory cytokines in the periphery can bind receptors on blood-brain barrier endothelial cells and induce perivascular microglia or macrophages to express cytokines that are released into the brain

3.     In a third pathway, cytokines in the periphery convey a message to the brain via the vagus nerve. After immune challenge, dendritic cells and macrophages that are closely associated with the abdominal vagus have been shown to express IL-1β protein; IL-1 binding sites have been identified in several regions of the vagus as well. When activated by cytokines, the vagus can activate specific neural pathways that are involved in neurocognitive behavior. However, activation of the vagus also stimulates microglia in the brain to produce cytokines via the central adrenergic system 

4.     A fourth pathway provides a slower immune-to-brain signaling mechanism based on volume transmission.  In this method of immune-to-brain communication, production of IL-1β by the brain first occurs in the choroid plexus and circumventricular organs—brain areas devoid of an intact blood-brain barrier. The cytokines then slowly diffuse throughout the brain by volume transmission, along the way activating microglia, neurons, and neural pathways that induce sickness behavior and inhibit cognition.

Can Flavonoids Reduce Neuroinflammation and Inhibit Cognitive Aging?

Flavonoids are naturally occurring polyphenolic compounds present in plants. The major sources of flavonoids in the human diet include fruits, vegetables, tea, wine, and cocoa.  Significant evidence has emerged to indicate that consuming a diet rich in flavonoids may inhibit or reverse cognitive aging

Flavonoids may improve cognition in the aged through a number of physiological mechanisms, including scavenging of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and interactions with intracellular signaling pathways. Through these physiological mechanisms, flavonoids also impart an anti-inflammatory effect that may improve cognition. This seems likely for the flavone luteolin, which is most prominent in parsley, celery, and green peppers.
Whereas luteolin inhibits several transcription factors that mediate inflammatory genes (e.g., nuclear factor kappa B [NF-κB]and activator protein 1 [AP-1]), it is a potent activator of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), which induces the expression of genes encoding antioxidant enzymes. A recent study of old healthy mice found improved learning and memory and reduced expression of inflammatory genes in the hippocampus when luteolin was included in the diet. Thus, dietary luteolin may improve cognitive function in the aged by reducing brain microglial cell activity.
Hence, the flavonoid luteolin is a naturally occurring immune modulator that may be effective in reducing inflammatory microglia in the senescent brain.

In light of the recent evidence suggesting microglial cells become dysregulated due to aging and cause neuroinflammation, which can disrupt neural structure and function, it is an interesting prospect to think dietary flavonoids and other bioactives can be used to constrain microglia. But how can flavonoids impart this anti-inflammatory effect? Although in vitro studies clearly indicate that several flavonoids can act directly on microglial cells to restrict the inflammatory response, results from in vivo studies thus far do not prove that dietary flavonoids access the brain to interact with microglia in a meaningful way. This is a complicated question to dissect because flavonoids reduce inflammation in the periphery and microglia seem to act like an “immunostat,” detecting and responding to signals emerging from immune-to-brain signaling pathways. Thus, whether dietary flavonoids enter the brain and impart an anti-inflammatory effect on microglia is an interesting question but one that is more theoretical than practical because what is most important is how the immunostat is adjusted, whether that is via a direct or indirect route. However, because flavonoids are detectable in the brain they most likely affect microglia both directly and by dampening immune-to-brain signaling.

Interesting Natural Substances

In no particular order, these are several very interesting flavonoids/carotenoids.  In the lab, they all do some remarkable things.

In humans, they also do some interesting things; how helpful they might be in autism remains to be seen.

Being “natural” does not mean they are good for you and have no side-effects.

Some of the following are very widely used and so you can establish if there are issues with long term use.  It also makes them accessible.

Quercetin (found in many fruits, numerous interesting effects)

and two Quercetin-related flavonoids:-

Kaempferol (widely used in traditional medicine)

Myricetin (has good and bad effects)

Lycopene  (from tomatoes, potent anti-cancer, does not cross the BBB)

Luteolin(in many vegetables, like broccoli) 

Apigenin (from chamomile, stimulates neurogenesis, PAM of GABAA, block NDMA receptors, antagonist of opioid receptors …)

Tangeretin (from tangerines, does cross the BBB, has potent effects in vitro)

Nobiletin (from tangerines)

Hesperidin (from tangerines)

Naringin (from Grapefruit, contraindicated with many prescription drugs)

Epicatechin/Catechin  (the chocolate/cocoa flavonoids, do cross the BBB, well researched)

Monday 23 February 2015

Nystatin in autism - a potent Potassium Channel Kv1.3 blocker (anti-inflammatory) or an antifungal/candida treatment?

Today’s post will go against some people’s understanding of autism and inflammatory bowel disease.

Just as there is a belief that heavy metals are a problem in autism there is another is another belief that candida is involved in autism and indeed inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).  Various types of IBD are highly comorbid with autism, but most people with IBD do not have autism.
The most common treatment for candida is an antifungal medicine called nystatin.  This drug is a cheap and widely available.

But nystatin has another property, it is a highly effective blocker of the potassium channel Kv1.3.

Regular readers will recall that this ion channel is key mediator in the inflammatory process, it is a target in many inflammatory conditions such as IBD and indeed autism.  Those little helminths (TSO) parasites that are being researched for both autism and IBD were found to reduce inflammation by releasing their own Kv1.3 blocker which stops the host (human or animal) from rejecting them.

Abstract: Background: Autism children were reported to have gastrointestinal problems that are more frequent and more severe than in children from the general population. Although many studies demonstrate that GI symptoms are common in autism, the exact percentage suffering from gastrointestinal (GI) problems is not well known, but there is a general consensus that GI problems are common in autism. The observation that antifungal medications improve the behavior of autism children, encourage us to investigate their intestinal colonization with yeasts. Aim of the work: The purpose of this work was to investigate the intestinal colonization with yeasts in autistic patients and to assess the role of yeast as a risk factor to cause autism behavior. Patients and methods: The study included 83 cases diagnosed as autistic children referred from the neuro-pediatric clinic and 25 normal children as a control group. All children under the study came to Phoniatric clinic, during the period from 2010 to 2012, complaining of delayed language development with autistic features. Children in this study were classified into 2 groups; control and study groups. All children were subjected to interview, E.N.T examination, language assessment, Childhood Autistic Rating Score (CARS), stool culture for Candida albicans, complete audiological and psychometric evaluation. Results: There was significant relation between the autistic children and heavy growth of Candida albicans in stool culture. Conclusion: The high rate of Candida albicans intestinal infection in autistic children may be a part of syndrome related to immune system disorders in these patients.

Conclusion: Candida albicans infection may be a part of syndrome related to the immune system and depends on genetic basis of autism, or Candida albicans may be etiological factor lead to excessive ammonia in gut which is responsible of autistic behavior in children. More researches are needed to clarify the exact mechanism by which Candida albicans affects autistic children.

In another study the results were not so clear:-

This study was done by James Adams (of the Autism Research Institute, former home of DAN).  According to Wikipedia, Adams' research has been described as "a laundry list of autism woo"; I think he is well intentioned.

You would have expected him to find Candida, but he did not. 

Note that they did not find any parasites either, although they did give up testing after the first 20 results were negative (not very scientific, I think).  Regular readers will know that some “holistic doctors” insist that parasites are the cause of autism.


The presence of yeast was determined by both culture and by microscopic observation. Yeast was only rarely observed by culture in the autism or typical groups, and the difference between the two groups was not significant, as shown in Table Table5.5. Yeast was more commonly observed microscopically, but again the difference between the two groups was not significant.


The parasitology test was used on the first 20 autism samples only, which were all negative. It was then decided to do no additional testing on other samples

The finding that yeast levels were similar in both the autistic and control group is interesting, as there has been a great deal of speculation that yeast infections are a major problem in autism. Our data indicates that yeast is present at normal levels in the stool of this group of children with autism. A study by Horvath and Perman [21] reported that 43% of children with autism undergoing endoscopies had a positive fungal culture for yeast in their duodenal juice, vs. 23% of age-matched controls with other gastrointestinal problems requiring endoscopies. Since their study involved children with severe enough symptoms to warrant endoscopies, the greater symptom severity may explain some of the difference with our study. Since the survey by the Autism Research Institute of over 25,000 parents' reports that parents find antifungals to be one of the most effective medications for improving behavior [44], our findings are puzzling. It is possible that children with autism are more sensitive to even a normal level of yeast. Also, it is possible that antifungals have other effects, such as reducing inflammation.

Which Study to believe?

I have to say that I give more credence to the first study, which is from Egypt.

I think that autism in Egypt is likely to be the “real deal”.  People with severe autism will likely have associated auto-immune/inflammatory conditions and this will include abnormal GI conditions.

Also, the more severe the autism, the more restrictive the diet is likely to be, which will affect what grows inside the intestines.   

Ion Channels and Channelopathies

Ion channels are complex, but fortunately there are not that many of them, unlike genes.

A good source of information is provided by École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, on the banks of lake Geneva.  On their Channelpedia site you can see a nice entry on the potassium channel Kv1.3.  It may all look rather too complicated, but there under the Scorpion toxin, is a very common drug, Nystatin.



MbCD and MbCD/C


Leukocyte Subunits effect Kv1.3

Cluster at C-terminus

Kv1.3 associates with Kv1.5

Kv1.3 forms heteromeric channels

Scorpion toxin ADWX-1 is a pore blocker of Kv1.3 channel without affecting its kinetics


The concentrations for nystatin and its structural analog, amphotericin B, required to produce half maximal inhibition (IC50) of the current were estimated to be about 3 and 60 microM, respectively. The effects of nystatin on the amplitude and inactivation of Kv1.3 currents were not voltage-dependent. In inside-out patches, tetraethylammonium (TEA) produced a rapid block of Kv1.3 currents upon the onset of a voltage pulse, while the inhibition by nystatin developed slowly. When co-applied with TEA, nystatin potentiated the extent of the TEA-dependent block, and the kinetic effect of nystatin was slowed by TEA. In summary, nystatin, a compound frequently used in perforated patch recordings to preserve intracellular dialyzable components, specifically inhibited the potassium channel Kv1.3 at concentrations well below those required for perforation

KCa3.1 is related to acute immune responses and Kv1.3 is related to chronic immune responses, the combined administration with Kv1.3 and KCa3.1 inhibitors is likely to enhance their effects in autoimmune disorders or graft rejection

We know that Kv1.3 is widely expressed in the brain, but is it expressed in the intestines of people with inflammatory/auto-immune conditions?

We do not have far to look and since we know that ulcerative colitis is comorbid with autism, we can stick with that



Potassium channels, KV1.3 and KCa3.1, have been suggested to control T-cell activation, proliferation, and cytokine production and may thus constitute targets for anti-inflammatory therapy. Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease characterized by excessive T-cell infiltration and cytokine production. It is unknown if KV1.3 and KCa3.1 in the inflamed mucosa are markers of active UC. We hypothesized that KV1.3 and KCa3.1 correlate with disease activity and cytokine production in patients with UC.


Mucosal biopsies were collected from patients with active UC (n=33) and controls (n=15). Protein and mRNA expression of KV1.3 and KCa3.1, immune cell markers, and pro-inflammatory cytokines were determined by quantitative-real-time-polymerase-chain-reaction (qPCR) and immunofluorescence, and correlated with clinical parameters of inflammation. In-vitro cytokine production was measured in human CD3(+) T-cells after pharmacological blockade of KV1.3 and KCa3.1.


Active UC KV1.3 mRNA expression was increased 5-fold compared to controls. Immunofluorescence analyses revealed that KV1.3 protein was present in inflamed mucosa in 57% of CD4(+) and 23% of CD8(+) T-cells. KV1.3 was virtually absent on infiltrating macrophages. KV1.3 mRNA expression correlated significantly with mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α (R(2)=0.61) and IL-17A (R(2)=0.51), the mayo endoscopic subscore (R(2)=0.13), and histological inflammation (R(2)=0.23). In-vitro blockade of T-cell KV1.3 and KCa3.1 decreased production of IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-17A.


High levels of KV1.3 in CD4 and CD8 positive T-cells infiltrates are associated with production of pro-inflammatory IL-17A and TNF-α in active UC. KV1.3 may serve as a marker of disease activity and pharmacological blockade might constitute a novel immunosuppressive strategy.

So now we have some evidence that Kv1.3 is involved in the inflammatory response within the intestines of people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Now we just need to look at what happens when you give Nystatin to people with IBD.

Since we do have to link all this back to Candida, let us look for people with IBD claiming that the problem was all about Candida.

If you google Crohns disease (a type of ulcerative colitis/IBD) you will find numerous reference to the benefit of Nystatin and again the assumption that “yeast overgrowth” is somehow the cause of the disease.  Lots of "holistic" doctors etc.

Why do so many people with autism benefit from Nystatin?

We have seen why some people with GI inflammation should find Nystatin very helpful, it will act locally as an immuno-suppressant.  

By reducing this inflammation there will be a reduction in inflammatory cytokines like IL-6.  But the whole idea of Nystatin being safe for children with autism is that it does not enter the blood stream, in stays inside the intestines.

Leaky Gut

Many people subscribe to the notion of the “leaky gut” in autism.  If indeed the gut was leaky, the Nystatin might leak out.  It would then act as a Kv1.3 blocker elsewhere in the body.  It may, or may not, be able to cross the blood brain barrier.

There is now some scientific evidence to show that  “leaky gut” is a real phenomenon.

In people with ulcerative colitis, of course the gut is leaking.  Blood is coming in and therefore other things can flow the other way.

In healthy people, Nystatin will stay almost entirely where it should, within the intestines.  In people with “leaks” it would seem likely that some will leak out.  In these people we might expect a greater effect.

We do know that inflammatory activity within the gut can transmitted elsewhere in the body via the vagus nerve.  This means that reducing inflammation within the GI will reduce the pro-inflammatory signalling sent around the body via the vagus nerve, even with no "leaky gut".  

This may indeed sound very odd, but very promising results are now being found in treating people with arthritis (an inflammatory condition, where IL-6 plays a key role) using implanted electrical devices that affect the vagus nerve.  Vagus nerve stimulation is not pseudoscience, even though it does sound like it should be.

My conclusion

The “father” of ARI and the DAN movement, Dr Bernard Rimland, a research psychologist, suggested that a small proportion of people diagnosed with autism had nothing more than an overgrowth of candida, caused by the frequent use of antibiotics.

It does seem that very many things can lead to “autism” and this diagnosis is now equally applied to people with very mild symptoms and those with debilitating ones.  I imagine that Bernie may indeed have been right; in a small number of people the problem may indeed be yeast.  However, given the relatively large number of people with autism (and IBD) who find Nystatin very helpful, I think the real issue is inflammation and  KV1.3.  The people who respond to Nystatin would very likely also respond to those TSO helminths, and even Stichodactyla toxin (see later).

One problem with regular use of antifungal medication is that you are going to kill off not just the candida.  A healthy gut is supposed have all sorts of things living in it.   

For me, the conclusion is to go back to the ion channels and look not just for KV1.3 blockers but also KCa3.1.  There are plenty of people doing just this, but not for autism, for example:-

Kv1.3 blockers do exist and they include:-

·        Curcumin (problem is low bioavailability)

·        Acacetin (rarely studied and mainly used by bodybuilders)


Under normal conditions in the brain, microglia play roles in homeostasis regulation and defense against injury. However, over-activated microglia secrete proinflammatory and cytotoxic factors that can induce progressive brain disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and ischemia. Therefore, regulation of microglial activation contributes to the suppression of neuronal diseases via neuroinflammatory regulation. In this study, we investigated the effects of acacetin (5,7-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone), which is derived from Robinia pseudoacacia, on neuroinflammation in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated BV-2 cells and in animal models of neuroinflammation and ischemia. Acacetin significantly inhibited the release of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E(2) and the expression of inducible NO synthase and cyclooxygenase-2 in LPS-stimulated BV-2 cells. The compound also reduced proinflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β, and inhibited the activation of nuclear factor-κB and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. In an LPS-induced neuroinflammation mouse model, acacetin significantly suppressed microglial activation. Moreover, acacetin reduced neuronal cell death in an animal model of ischemia. These results suggest that acacetin may act as a potential therapeutic agent for brain diseases involving neuroinflammation.

·        Progesterone (as a hormone, has many other effects)

·        Verapamil (already in the PolyPill)

The most unusual/interesting comes from Cuba:-

Stichodactyla toxin

In humans, a polymorphism in the Kv1.3 promoter is associated with impaired glucose tolerance and with lower insulin sensitivity (11). These results suggest that selective Kv1.3 blockers might have use in the management of obesity and insulin resistance

Because pancreatic beta cells, which have Kv3.2 channels, are thought to play a role in glucose-dependent firing, ShK, as a Kv3.2 blocker, might be useful in the treatment of type-2 diabetes.
You may recall we already saw in this blog the older people taking Verapamil (for heart problems) did not develop type 2 diabetes. According to the table below, ShK toxin is a Kv3.2 blocker in humans, but Verapamil only works in rats.

Since it looks like selective Kv1.3 blockers may prevent/treat obesity, you can expect them to be attractive targets for pharmaceutical companies.  This is a disease of the 21st century.

The spin-off might later be a cost-effective treatment for inflammatory conditions like IBD and autism.

The clever new arthritis treatments, that could be used in autism, are hugely expensive.

Monday 15 September 2014

Antabine (Anatabloc) and Autism - a Supplement or a Drug?

This is another post prompted by a comment received on this blog.

My 15 year-old daughter has classic regressive type ASD. I started her on an anti-inflammatory, Anatabloc, over a year ago and it allowed me to take her off atypical anti-psychotics ( she was on them for aggression) Do you know anyone else using this dietary supplement?  

I found this very interesting and so I did some quick research.

Anatabloc was until very recently sold in the US as a supplement, it was withdrawn from sale by the producer following a corruption trial and a dispute with the FDA over approvals.  Nobody is saying the supplement does not work, rather it is a drug.


Anatabloc was sold as an anti-inflammatory supplement based on a substance called Anatabine, found in tobacco and in lower concentrations in green tomatoes, green potatoes, ripe red peppers, tomatillos, and sundried tomatoes.

Anatabine has been studied in animal models and in cells to see if it might be useful for treating nicotine addiction and inflammation, and has been studied in models of diseases characterized by inflammation, such as Alzheimer's Disease, thyroiditis, and multiple sclerosis.

On a biochemical level, it appears to be active against certain nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Regular readers will recall extensive earlier posts on the cholinergic system and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

The conclusion of all those posts was that, most definitely, in some people’s autism, an effective strategy is to adjust the cholinergic system.  Possible methods include:-

·        Vagus nerve stimulation – still in development
·        Nicotine patches – cheap and effective in some people
·        Two Alzheimer's drugs Donepezil and Galantamine, that are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

So at first it seemed that Anatabloc may be “just another” cholinergic drug.  However on analyzing the patent submitted by the producer, it seems there may be an alternative mode of action.

Patent for Antabine use in Autism

32| Anatabine is an alkaloid present in tobacco and, in lower concentrations, in a variety of foods, including green tomatoes, green potatoes, ripe red peppers, tomatillos, and sundried tomatoes. Without being bound by this explanation, data presented in Examples I and 2 below indicate that anatabine reduces transcription mediated by nuclear factor B (NFKB). NFKB is a transcription factor which operates in cells involved in inflammatory and immune reactions.

The nuclear factor NF-κB pathway

NF-κB is seen as being clinically significant in cancer and inflammation.

The NF-κB pathway has long been considered a prototypical proinflammatory signaling pathway, largely based on the role of NF-κB in the expression of proinflammatory genes including cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules.  

NF-κB has long been considered the “holy grail” as a target for new anti-inflammatory drugs.

Because NF-κB controls many genes involved in inflammation, it is not surprising that NF-κB is found to be chronically active in many inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, sepsis, gastritis, asthma, atherosclerosis and others. It is important to note though, that elevation of some NF-κB inhibitors, such as osteoprotegerin (OPG), are associated with elevated mortality, especially from cardiovascular diseases.  Elevated NF-κB has also been associated with schizophrenia.

I take the, perhaps unconventional, view that schizophrenia is adult-onset autism.  It has already shown that in terms of genetics, there is a great overlap between these two conditions.


Schizophrenic patients showed activation of the cytokine system and immune disturbance. NF-kappaB activation may play a pivotal role in schizophrenia through interaction with cytokines

The nuclear factor NF-κB pathway has long been considered a prototypical proinflammatory signaling pathway, largely based on the role of NF-κB in the expression of proinflammatory genes including cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules. In this article, we describe how genetic evidence in mice has revealed complex roles for the NF-κB in inflammation that suggest both pro- and anti-inflammatory roles for this pathway. NF-κB has long been considered the “holy grail” as a target for new anti-inflammatory drugs; however, these recent studies suggest this pathway may prove a difficult target in the treatment of chronic disease. In this article, we discuss the role of NF-κB in inflammation in light of these recent studies.

Clinical trials using Anatabloc

The producer behind Anatabloc is well advanced with clinical trials, as you can see below.

I suspect that Anatabloc will disappear as a supplement and reappear a few years later on as an FDA approved drug for various conditions.


It is a pity that Anatabloc has been taken off the market.

It looks plausible that it could be effective in other people’s autism, not just the reader of this blog.

For the time-being, other than taking up smoking, a good source would be those tasty sun-dried tomatoes.


Having re-read this post and taken a closer look at the patent and the company, I wonder if the original comment is genuine.  The patent is not very convincing and in Table 1 on page 44 it is quoting Wakefield et al, as one of only two sources that link inflammation to autism.  I could have written a much better patent application myself.